Saturday, October 5, 2013

day 5 - big: quiet time in word + prayer

Alright, here we go. Quiet time. Prayer. 2 things I always mean to be intentional about...but HOW EASY is it to push these to the side and get caught up in something else?

I'm going to be honest. Keeping up with these two things is difficult for me. Not because I don't want to do them. But because (more honesty) once I pour my cup of coffee...I'm either scrolling through Facebook, caught up in Kelly + Michael on tv (I stinkin' love Kelly Ripa), packing my hubby's lunch, or conquering another menial household chore from the day's to-do list. Whatever the task distraction, I find it way too easy to overlook/forget about something so fulfilling. That's just sad!

 I even put my devotional on our coffee table. Prime spot!! 
It still doesn't get picked up everyday. I'm ready to make that change!

Another gem of wisdom from our pastor at home is, "If you're too busy for God, then you're too busy!" I couldn't agree more. And the funny thing is...I'm not even too busy! I'm just dropping the ball. I'm not intentional enough about this time. Being in the word. Starting my day with HIM. 

Quiet time + prayer never do anything but add to my day. They never take away from it's goodness. It's time for me consistently follow through with quiet time and prayer. I have been a LOT better since we've moved to Wilmington. I've probably had more morning quiet times this past month than I had all last year...yeah. Yikes! So: I commit to quiet time (and prayer!) every morning for the rest of the 31 days. That's a commitment. And if you want to hold me accountable to that, you're more than welcome to do so!

Want to start today off with some quiet time (+ prayer afterwards!) too?
Here is today's devotion. It's from Jesus Calling. I picked out my version at Barnes & Noble!

Do you have something you mean to be intentional about, but it always winds up getting swept under the rug?
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  1. I love love love this post! I have the Jesus Calling book too and it is so great. I am the same way, these moments never take away from my day they only add to it. It is too easy to be distracted. I need to work on that! I am a new follower to your blog!

    1. couldn't agree more, love! i love Jesus calling!!! there's no excuse NOT to be reading it each day!!! :) following you too...hooray!

      happy saturday!

  2. I am going to have to try that devotional!! I've been looking for one!!!

    1. You definitely should! I recommend it! :) My family reads it it's fun to know that I'm reading the same thing as my mom/sister/cousins everyday! xx

  3. I struggle with this as well. I'll be praying for you!

  4. awwww thanks doll! means so much. likewise!!! xx
