Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Funfetti Cheesecake

Could a cheesecake get more fun than this?!

Since Mark and I are skipping gifts this year, I decided to bake him a special cake instead. His request? Cheesecake. I scoured my Pinterest "Desserts" board and found this lovely recipe from Wine & Glue.

Any day that I actually attempt one of the hundreds of Pinterest recipes I have saved is a good day. Any day that they turn out well?! Winning. A fabulous day.


2 12oz containers of cream cheese
3 eggs
1 14oz can sweetned condensed milk
1.5 tbsp vanilla
2 tsp almond extract
1/2 cup rainbow sprinkles
Optional: Whipped cream and additional sprinkles
...And don't forget your springform pan! 

Source Credit: Wine & Glue

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
2. With mixer on low, beat together the cream cheese, eggs, sweetened condensed milk, vanilla, and almond extract for five minutes.  (Not completely smooth after 5 minutes? Don't fret. It's okay!!)
3. Slowly mix in all the sprinkles with a spoon.
4. Pour the batter into a springform pan and bake for 45 minutes. Let cool completely, at least four hours in the refrigerator.
5. Optional: Adorn with whipped cream and extra sprinkles. (Because who doesn't love extra sprinkles?)

 The cake after cooling. Not too shabby [if I do say so myself]!

 Confession: those are matches holding up the sign. No toothpicks or skewers are currently in our home. ;)


All in all, I give it a B. That's pretty good considering an A+ would be from the Cheesecake Factory...and this is my first ever solo cheesecake attempt. Pinterest for the win!

P.S. If you missed it yesterday, be sure to check out the Vestique Boutique giveaway that's up and running right now!!

Cheers to fancy birthday desserts!


  1. This looks amazing. You better believe I bookmarked this for later!!

  2. I've never attempted a cheesecake either because I've always heard they were difficult. This gives me hope! What a great wifey you are :)

  3. That is the cutest cheesecake I have ever seen. Let's be honest: sprinkles make everything better, amen? Love!

  4. Oh my goodness! This looks SO good! I hope he had a great birthday! Thanks for sharing!

  5. OMG yes! This looks amazing! And I'm going to be needing one of those KitchenAid Mixers, for sure! Happy Wednesday, love! xo

  6. I know what I am making my husband for his birthday now! Yum!

  7. ummm...confetti cheesecake, yes please! That sounds amazing!

  8. This looks delicious and so cute, thanks for sharing :)

  9. YUM!!! This looks so good! Cheesecake is one of my very favorite desserts!

  10. Hooray for celebrating your love AND for funfetti cheesecake with sprinkles on top!! Mmm (: You did a fantastic job with the presentation and personalizing it for your birthday boy too ;) Nicely done!!
