Thursday, May 22, 2014

Birthday Reflections [She Designed A Life She Loved]

I spent the morning of my birthday in quiet reflection. I couldn't help but smile and feel a huge sense of God's peace.

When we lived in Charlotte for our first year of marriage...I just didn't feel like that's where we were supposed to be. Don't get me wrong, I adore Charlotte, and I miss our family and friends who are family there every single day. But Charlotte is my comfort zone. I didn't want to live my whole life in my comfort zone.

You see, I've spent the majority of my life in Charlotte. My hometown.
When I went to Chapel Hill, I attended with about 20ish people from my high school class.
When I went to camp, I always had friends from home there too (as a camper and a counselor). 
Never had I ever been anywhere where I didn't know someone or have a piece of home with me.

And then there was Mark. He left his home, his family, his best friends, his entire country to pursue and make a life with me! With me! That is an adventure. A grand, selfless, admirable adventure. And he fit so seamlessly and sweetly into the life I always knew in Charlotte.

My neighborhood became our neighborhood.
My favorite restaurants became our favorite restaurants.
My church became our church.
And so on.

But we had nothing that was originally our own.
And that bothered me.
Mark didn't resent me for that. But, in a way, I resented myself for it.

Elizabeth Scott Photography
But now.
Here we are at the beach.
We moved here knowing 0 friends.
Earlier this year I struggled with surrender.
Now [much to our surprise!] we own a home
I am able to serve and nurture my little family more than I ever have before.
We've made fabulous friends.
Gotten to know the area.
Discovered our new favorite places here and there.
And we are loving it. Together. 
There is something so romantic about making a life together. Creating our own story from scratch.

All that to say.
Here I we are.
I couldn't feel more content or at peace.
I couldn't feel more thankful.
I so look forward to seeing how God continues to write our story.

Cheers to the beginning of year 27!
Frankly, my should pop over here to visit my sweet sponsor, Jenni!


  1. Yay for home owning! :)

  2. yay for owning a home! congrats!

  3. Love that you guys went somewhere new to start a new chapter in the book of your lives together - with blank pages. So romantic! And look at all the blessings that have come of you taking that chance! Hoping 27 is your best year yet:)

  4. Cheers to all those fun, new changes and for new (great) friends (talking about you guys!)!! We are thankful for your story that brought you to Wilmington every day!


  5. Hey Elise! I'm Nat, I'm from Melbourne, Australia and I have just found your blog through Tara's blog...Small world! And I am loving it :) I will be sure to check it out more... Hope you have a lovely day!!

    Love Nat xoxo

  6. such a sweet post! very romantic and loving--you are a great wife!!

  7. 1) I love that quote.

    2) It's a wonderful thing to truly build a life together. My husband was in the military and we spent years of our lives apart from one another & then apart from our family/hometown. Even when he got out, we choose to move to a town where we knew no one. A lot of people think we're crazy, but I fully believe we ended up right where we belong- and doing it on our own has been an awesome experience that I wouldn't trade for anything. Cheers & prayers to 27 being full of adventure, peace, & love!

  8. So proud for you. You're a terrific example of a good, loyal, Christian wife! Glad to know you, friend!

  9. Absolutely love this. And you. Hope this has been the best birthday week, and CHEERS to the best year ever! xo

  10. Love this! Such a beautiful way to look at things! Happy birthday pretty lady!

  11. I read this with a HUGE smile on my face, it made my heart do flips. How amazing for you, I'm so happy that you are so happy :) This makes me so excited for our upcoming journey, it's so similar! I will miss my family and friends so much of course, but I can't wait to have a new journey with my love and be in a new place exploring and finding new things we love, ON THE BEACH! EEKK. Thank you for sharing this, I couldn't love it more!

  12. You said this so perfectly! I too have felt sometimes that I've resented my husband because I moved to HIS hometown and left everything of mine behind. I'll never forget the conversation my Dad had with him when we were dating... Michael never used to want to come to my house/town. I was also expected to come to his house. So my Dad invited him over one day and had a talk with him. He told my Dad that he didn't want to come to where I lived or go out with my friends because that wasn't what he was familiar with and he felt more comfortable in his hometown. My Dad told him, well if that's how you feel, why don't you think about how Julie feels because that's exactly what your forcing her to do and a relationship should work both ways. Sorry long story, but my Dad really put it into perspective for us and like you, I hope to some day build a "life" together! :)

  13. I love reading your posts. You are always so positive and I love your outlook on life! How is home owning and beach life? I bet it is amazing!
    Have a great weekend girl! Hugs!

  14. How did I just realize you went to Chapel Hill also?! Charlotte's my hometown as well and I'm still here, in my comfort zone for sure. I admire your courage and sacrificial love for your Hubby!! So happy y'all have found your new place together :)

  15. I can relate to all of this - except the opposite way around ;) And I couldn't agree more! One of the best things S and I did was the choice to move somewhere new - to both of us. New church, new community, new home and new favs. And I'm beginning to truly love and enjoy our life here + that is a beautiful thing.

    Love to you sweets - thanks for this beautiful post!

  16. sounds like 27 is going to be a good year for you!!
