Sunday, March 1, 2015

We're Moving Back...

 Charlotte, North Carolina

If you didn't catch the news on Instagram, we are thrilled to share that our little Beach Baby Houston won't be so beach baby after all. Our family is packing up and moving back home to Charlotte. Today I'm sharing the details/FAQs regarding our move!
When are you moving? Before Nancy is born?!
YEP! March 21. How's this for a fun timeline? Job offer on 2/21, move on 3/21, Nancy due 4/21. I'll be 35 and a half weeks pregnant when we move. (And I know I need to pretty much stay put once I hit week 36!)

Are you crazy?!
Sure, but that's old news. I've told y'all before that this is one of Mark's favorite songs because it reminds him of me. Not gonna lie, I love it too. Embrace the crazy!!! 

Are you stressed? (I think I've been asked this question 539 times.)
No, honestly. I'm too happy and overjoyed about moving home to be stressed about it. Plus, being so pregnant while moving means I don't have to lift a thing. This will be the 4th time Mark and I have moved in our 2.5 years of marriage (ha!), so I'm looking forward to not doing the grunt work for once!

Also, moving to your hometown where your family lives isn't stressful. My new doctor is a girlfriend of my mom's. We already have a church home in Charlotte (that never really stopped being our church home...!). And we've even already plugged ourselves into a married couples Life Group, scheduled a hospital tour, and signed up for a prepared childbirth class. See, this is all fun and games!

Where are you living?
Just pulling a Kimye and living with my mom. We'll live with her until we sell our home in Wilmington and buy a place in Charlotte. (So holler if you know anyone who wants a place 2 miles from the beach. Oooor if you hear of anything coming on the market/for sale by owner/off market deals around the South Park area of CLT over the next few months! Please and thank you. :))

Didn't you just buy a that house in Wilmington?
Yep, we put in our offer and started the home buying process a teensy bit over a year ago. Don't regret it for a second. It has been a great experience for us, and Mark and I both agree that we would still be kicking ourselves if we hadn't bought it.
Past Posts: The Story of Our First Home | Homeowners

So why are you moving? Did you not like Wilmington?
Wilmington was so good to us and for us. In every way. We are so glad we branched out a bit and found our own way for a little bit there. Being away from family and the comforts of "home" really helped us establish who we are and what we stand for as a our own little family! We also loved the experience of moving to a place where we knew no one, getting to know a new city, finding new favorite places, meeting new friends, and simply creating a new life adventure together. 

That being said, over Christmas we decided that one of our goals was to move back to Charlotte sometime in 2015, hopefully before the next holiday season. We didn't anticipate things happening this fast, but when God moves, He MOVES! Mark got an amazing job that we're really excited about. Our quick move is simply another situation where God has really showed UP and showed OFF in our lives. We couldn't be happier to have Nancy in the same city where I was born (and in the same hospital where my sister and brother were born!)!

And, y'all, I get to officially live in the same city as my sister for the first time in 10 years!!!! We both haven't lived at home together since I graduated form high school. Hope and I are incredibly thankful that our hubbies treat each other like brothers too. We cannot wait to all be in the same city together. For like, ever. :)

But...Nancy's Nursery!?
Ha! Yeah. It's completely finished here in Wilmington. Even the glider couldn't be rerouted to my mom's because it's already en route. Oh well! I can truthfully say that I'm happy to have a complete vision of what her nursery will look like when we purchase a home in Charlotte. Besides, we'll be smothering her in way too much love for her to  notice that she's nursery-less for the first months of her life. ;) No big deal.

So you're staying home with Nancy?
Yes, but that is old news too. :) Mark has known since long before we got married that my life dream is to have lots of babies and stay home with them. We've slowly yet intentionally prepared ourselves to make that dream a reality as I've transitioned from 4 years of teaching to 2 years of nannying to now moving back to Charlotte and staying home. 

Bottom line, this is another Ephesians 3:20 story for our family. All the praise, honor, and glory go to Christ alone!!!

 See you soon, QC! WOOHOO!

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