Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Pregnancy | 35 Weeks

How Far Along: 35 weeks!!!! The home stretch.

Size of Baby: A canary melon (I don't even know what that is) -- the real deal: approx 5.5 lbs and 19-22" long

Gender: Our little girl, Nancy Hope Houston

Movement: She gets the hiccups at least once or twice a day. I still love watching and feeling her move around. Going to savor having her in my tummy because these last few weeks are upon us!

Sleep: Slept fairly well this week!

Workouts: Oh gosh with all of the transitioning last week and this week  (and still hanging onto a gross sounding cough that comes with a wheeze)...workouts are going on the backburner till I get back to CLT. Besides, when I get there, I'll be revving it up at Hilliard Studio Method with my mama. I am determined to work out till Nancy arrives!! For now my cardio consists of activities such as packing, boxing up, sweeping, dusting, cleaning, decluttering, etc. Ooh la la!

 34w5d and 34w6d 
My basketball belly + workout clothes are the norm this week because moving prep is a workout in itself.

This girl. No help when we cleaned out the garage this weekend.
 Straight up sunbathed with her "baby" (aka gingerbread girl toy from Christmas).

Maternity Clothes: So I put on my regular Old Navy shorts (jorts!) with a belly band yesterday (fully unzipped, obviously), and I swear my hips have gotten wider. Pre-pregnancy, I would've also sworn this wouldn't be possible for me as I have had child-bearing hips since post-puberty. (For real.) But tell me this: is this why my hips hurt when I lay on my sides at night?! The hip that always hurts is the one I'm not leaning on--the one in the air and not on the bed.  Is that weird? And then I switch sides and the other one will feel sore when I wake up again. Does that even make sense?! I thought it was just from the dang double band at Pure Barre, but it must not be. What's going on?! Growing pain in my hips?!?! Holy moly. 

Symptoms: Growing pain in my hips?! (See nonsensical rant above.) Still fighting off a nasty lingering cough + wheeze. Lots of nighttime potty breaks. Also, bending over is not fun. That's understandable since there's a 5.5 pound baby in the way...

Cravings/Aversions: Nope. More like trying to strategically eat everything out of the fridge/freezer without having to go to the grocery store again. We stocked up on our weekly produce earlier for smoothies, my apple a day, and salads. Now to be done with the rest of it. It's a game.

Missing Most: ?! I'm still really thankful that I'm feeling good! Only wouldn't mind kicking this cough and wheeze!

Nursery: Her glider was delivered this week. It's bright white and slipcovered so I can bleach it. I'm in love with it. Here is a view from the glider of what's left in the Wilmington nursery:

 Looking forward to recreating this lovely space for a very loved little girl in Charlotte...
I slept in this bed when I was a little girl. I love that it's in Nancy's room. Even if we have a guest room in Charlotte, I still want it to be part of her room. I called it my "princess bed." Nancy shall have this princess bed for herself years from now. :)

Hubby: I showed him my unzipped non-maternity shorts + belly band combo yesterday and his response was, "So you've had your pants unzipped all day?!" I tried to explain but through the laughs we settled on the fact that he doesn't get it, and that's okay. He doesn't need to get it.

When our glider was delivered earlier this week, he and Tina had some fun practicing for Nancy. Not pictured: Mark trying to get Tina to suckle. Through his multiple layers.

My two precious loves :)

Best Part of the Week: Getting our house on the market! WOOHOO!

 Our final week in our first home

Can't Wait For: Happily closing and beginning new chapters....we move this weekend!

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