Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Pregnancy | 33 Weeks

I literally looked at this week's picture and said "holy crap" out loud.
No wonder I've felt less like myself and more like a very pregnant person this week. :)

How Far Along: 33 weeks, baby! 

Size of Baby: A honeydew melon -- 4.5 pounds (!!!!) and between 16-19" long

Gender: Our little girl, Nancy Hope Houston

Movement: Oh yes. Movin and shakin and punching and kicking and rolling in name it. She's still loving my right side (and my right ribs).

Sleep: Fortunately I can still fall back asleep quickly, but I definitely get up to go to the bathroom between 4-5 times a night, no joke. Moving from right side to left side (I flip flop a lot overnight) has proved to be less easy/comfortable. Especially when I'm half asleep anyway. 

Workouts: Pure Barre x 4

Maternity Clothes: Same old mixing and matching. This was my favorite outfit from the week. So darn comfy and unfancy.  Love.

 32 weeks 3 days 

Symptoms: This past week is the week when I've really started to feel very pregnant. Bending/moving/sitting up and down/tossing and turning requires a lot more effort than usual. I'm still laughing at myself. But yeah. Pregnant girl in da houuuseeee.

Yesterday's 33w0d snapchat. But really...

Cravings/Aversions: Speaking of building a snowman...woof...since I couldn't celebrate Mark's new job with a cocktail or bubbly, this girl went to the Teets with one mission in mind: ice cream.

Preggo at self checkout. There are 2 half gallons in there. Choc Chip Cookie Dough + Southern Praline. I'm a sucker for Harris Teeter buy one get one free specials...

Missing Most: I missed my mom this week because she was out of the country and I couldn't call her everyday whenever I wanted like I'm used to doing! But she is BACK and I'm looking forward to picking up the phone and hitting that woman up whenever I want! :) Lllllllove ya, Mama!

Nursery: Yeah, we're moving to Charlotte. So the gorgeous nursery will just have to wait. Nancy will have a nursery once we buy a home in Charlotte, and that's a-okay with me! At least I have a vision of exactly what it will look like, right?! :) 

Hubby: When we were sitting on the couch one night watching her move, he said, "I can't wait to meet Nancy...I feel like you know her more than I do." It was sweet, endearing, and sad all at once. I know I have this special bond with her right now because I'm carrying her and can feel her all the time. I've heard that a lot of hubbies go through this sort of thing? Especially when the babe arrives and is completely dependent on mama for food as well...

Sunday snuggles with #tinainthemiddle as usual

And yesterday he was talking about looking forward to coming home from work to playing with Nancy and Tina. Then we watched YouTube videos of babies and dogs. Ha...ohhh, life is good.

Best Part of the Week: Spilling the beans that we are moving home to Charlotte! I'm ecstatic to have Nancy in a place where family and our friends who are family can conveniently and easily surround us. Also, I'm just so dang proud of my hubby. I'm so happy for him/us/our little family. 

Can't Wait For: Nancy's Fancy Tea Party (Baby Shower) this weekend!!!! I can't wait to see my besties, Lizzie and Nicole, who I feel like I haven't gotten to see in person in for-ev-errrrr. Eee!

Oh, and this little moment with a tiny pup strategically surrounding me with her toys got me excited for our home being surrounded with Nancy toys too. :)

Our Announcement | Weeks 4-12  | Week 13 | Week 14 | Week 15 | Week 16 | Week 17 | Week 18 | Weeks 19 and 20 | Week 21 | Week 22 | Week 23 | Week 24 and 25 | Week 26 | Week 27 | Week 28 | Week 29 | Week 30 | Week 31 | Week 32 | Week 33

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