Tuesday, November 10, 2015

This Space

Home. Design. Love. Life. Bargains. Encouragement. Truth. Scripture. Family. Motherhood. Struggles. Joy. Sharing. Fashion. Good Deals. Creativity. Style. Inspiration. Authenticity. Owning it. 

These these are all elements of this space that pop into my head when I think about Cheers Y'all...this little corner of the Internet that started as a way to keep our English family up-to-date on our new married life and grew into an entrepreneurial, creative space of mine. I love it here. Thanks for being a part of Cheers Y'all, y'all. :) Thank you for fueling my heart to create and share.

Over the past few weeks, I've felt so inspired-on-fire while reading the Blogging 101 series by White Buffalo Styling Co. SUCH good stuff. It got me thinking: what is the mission behind Cheers Y'all? What is my purpose behind the hours I spend pouring into this space?  I'm sure I'll mold and change it over the coming months, but here is where I'm starting, and I wanted to share it with you: 

So that's where I am right now. My mind is buzzing with excitement and ideas for the future, but before I start dreaming bigger, bolder, and more intentionally and intricately, I want your opinion. Your thoughts. Your suggestions. What do you see in for Cheers Y'all? What do you want more of? Less of? Any specific thoughts/ideas? Tell me in the comments below, or shoot me an email {cheersyall.elise@gmail.com}. It would really mean a lot to me to hear from you! You are a part of what makes the heart of Cheers Y'all beat, so please...share your heart with me!

Thank you (so much!) in advance for your thoughts; more importantly, thank you for supporting me on this journey to make Cheers Y'all the best it can be.

P.S. Congrats to Mary B. for winning the Royal Scout & Co. giveaway! I'll be emailing you soon. :)

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