Monday, March 10, 2014

For You

Believe this today.

God is making things happen for You. He is! He is faithful; He is able. He will work everything together for your good! (Can you tell Romans 8:28 is a family favorite? :))

I cannot wait to share with y'all how God has been revealing this truth to our little family. But how about you? Have you felt this in your life before? Are you feeling it now? I'd love to pray for you!

He is making things happen.
Let go. Trust. Surrender.
Smile. He's got this.

P.S. Don't forget to check back tomorrow for the first of TWO happy and lovely giveaways this week! Eeee! [Your only hint was in this post!]

Pop on over to The Birdie Bowl to visit my sweet sponsor, Khala!


  1. Love this and know it to be true! I've felt for some time now that God is doing something and preparing me for something different. I'm not yet sure what that is, but I'm trusting Him and trying to be sensitive to His leading so that when He says "Now" I'm ready.

  2. Amen and Amen! He is ever so true.

  3. TRUE TRUE TRUE!!! I love these posts from you! Definitely helps me through the week.

  4. I love that passage too! I don't always feel it, but this is a nice reminder to never question Him! Thank you!

  5. This was such a sweet post to read this morning. Praise his holy name that we serve an unchanging and good Father God who desires to work all things together for the good of his precious children! Makes me tear up. Cheers to giveaways! Cannot wait! Happy Monday Elise! xoxo

  6. I just love your encouraging spirit!

  7. This correlates with what I read in Jesus Calling this morning. How funny...or maybe it's a sign. ;)

  8. It's hard to trust sometimes when we feel like our prayers are going unanswered - but the truth is, our prayers NEVER go unanswered! They may not always get answered in ways we expect or desire, and they definitely don't always get answered in the time frame we hope for, but God's plan is always greater than ours, so it's up to us to give our worries to Him and let Him take care of us. Romans 8:28 is a favorite in our house as well!:)

    My hubby and I could use a few prayers over the coming week, Elise! His Match Day is a week from Friday (3/21), and on that day, we find out where we will be going for his residency - which is the next 5 years of our lives. Needless to say, we are both a bit anxious about it!!!

    Looking forward to the fun giveaways this week. Yay!:)

  9. Oh my goodness, that is one of my favorite verses! Surprise, surprise! I've been resting in Phillipians 4:6-7 the last week and it's been amazing. This is just another reminder God is always working good in our lives. Just trust! Thank you for always sharing His good word!

  10. What a beautiful reminder this morning! Thanks for posting this!!

  11. Beautiful reminder! Love your love for God. :)

  12. Did I ever tell you how much I LOVE your inspiration!? He is so faithful, thank you for the reminder!! xxx

  13. Amen! "you are mine for all time" was the heading in my devotional today- Happy Monday! xoxo

  14. Oh, I so needed this today. We've had some trials of late, and this really picked me up. Thanks, girly!

  15. I have been praying for patience and working on waiting on his timing. Love that quote and verse up top, and it was definitely reassuring to read that. Thanks for sharing Elise!

  16. pinning that :) romans 8:28 woop woop! love you sissssyyy.

  17. I love this Elise!! Thanks for sharing!

  18. LOVE this - gonna pin it for a reminder!!!

    PS .. i have a GIVEAWAY going on .. love for you to stop by and spread the good karma!

  19. Thank you for this sweet reminder today!!

  20. Oh so true! Thank you for the reminder! Glad God is doing great things for your family!

  21. Love this!!!! And so needed it today....happy Monday friend

  22. AMEN! Such truth! Thanks for sharing the super cute print!

  23. I love this...the letting go part is so hard and something I've been struggling with lately as I try to forgive. This was such nice encouragement, thank you!

  24. I am loving studying God's promises along with you and doing beth Moore's breaking free. I would love, love prayer for anxiety and that the Lord would direct my steps. Thanks, Elise!

  25. This is beautiful. Great words of inspiration here <3 Letting go is hard, but it can be done! Thank you!


  26. This is absolutely beautiful!!! :-)

  27. WHAT A GREAT REMINDER! I found you through Wifessionals and I am so excited to get to know you more!

  28. Beautiful reminder. I've been struggling A LOT with this lately.

  29. This is so awesome! Just what I needed to hear today!
