Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Nancy | 5 Months

Dear Nancy,

I don't know what happened to this began and ended in the blink of an eye. Speaking of eyes, your big blue eyes are so beautiful. They're dark around the rim and light everywhere else. And your hair has really started growing back this month! It's getting thicker, but it's so bleach blonde that we still call it "camo hair" since you look more bald than blonde in pictures or from afar!

We are loving living in our home, getting into a routine, and just being here in Charlotte. You see your Mimi and Auntie Hope practically's beyond the biggest blessing to be back in our hometown. Family is everything, and we felt that in England this month too. You were the best traveler. 4 flights and 0 tears?! I don't think we'll ever be able to manage that again, but I sure did soak it up as it happened. You are our sweet, EASY, precious, little Pie baby...our joyful girl.

At one of our Monday night family dinners, we were going around telling our high and low points for the day. Daddy said that he had two high points: going into your room into the morning when you wake up and seeing your big, joyful smile and coming home to see you after work. You have the best daddy. He and I both love you unconditionally!

God loves you, and so do I!


5 Month Memories:

Your 4 month doctor's appointment was a little late (oops), so you were closer to 5 months when we got all of your stats checked. You still came in at 52% for height, 63% for weight, and 85% for your noggin, you little thing! You are still wearing size 2 diapers, although when our pack runs out I will buy size 3.

You two, our home, so happy!!

I've seen a whole new side of my husband now that he's a daddy to you, precious baby girl. He absolutely adores you and is always telling you how scrumptious, joyful, and perfect you are. It's easy to see how in love he is! In fact--when we were back in England--Uncle Craig told me, "This is the happiest I have ever seen Mark." The happiness you bring us is unreal!

Hearts, hearts, many much love!

Random picture I snapped one day and immediately saved because it's the one (and only?) picture where you look exactly like me as baby. You're a little "Lisey baby" in this picture instead of the "Little Marky" you usually are!

Okay, you've started this new hilariously disgusting thing. Now when the dogs (Doxie too) kiss you, you immediately stick your tongue way out. We can't help but laugh as we push them away. Horrible and hilarious. You love pup [French] kisses too much.

Look at you! You, leg poppin' ham!

You went to the nursery at our church for the first time!

Auntie Hope loves you so, so much. If she's not watching you at her house while I work out or run an errand, she's over visiting us at our home as often as she can!

This verse came up during one of my She Reads Truth studies. It's a verse I prayed over your life and your name while you were in my tummy. Reading it and looking at you was abundantly, joyfully overwhelming to my soul!

Mommy loves you so much, little girl. I still tell people that I can't believe I have a baby. I can't believe you're mine forever. It's surreal. God is so, so good and gracious. And I'm glad you love mama snuggles too. You and I love to be close together. If you're like your mommy and daddy, your love language will be touch as well. :)

And the best pic for last...bless your little bloomer bottom!

Loves: Standing up (with help) -- seriously, you prefer standing over sitting, kicking in the infant tub, bath time in general, snuggling, singing yourself to sleep, watching Tina & Doxie "tickle fight," smiling so much that we call you "Joyful Pie"

Loathes: consistent naps ("No Nap Nancy") and having stinky diapers

Other 5 Month Memories:

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