Size of Baby: About 2.5lbs and 16" long -- basically the first time my two apps (What to Expect and Ovia Pregnancy) agree! Fruit comparison: coconut!
Gender: Our little girl, Nancy Hope Houston!
Movement: Is my favorite thing. I love and look forward to feeling her moving around everyday. I'm so thankful for it. Homegirl is chilling more on my left side than my right. And she certainly is still breech. I can tell by those kicks! And her little arms poke at my sides which is kind of funny to feel!
Sleep: Still sleeping great!! Savoring it while it lasts!
Workouts: Pure Barre x 7 and three 2-2.5 mile walks
Maternity Clothes: The usual. Mixing and matching non-maternity with maternity. And a whoooole lot of leggings, cardis, and boots.
Symptoms: Just feeling a lot more stretching/pressure/strain (?! not sure how to describe it) around the muscles around my lower abdomen. I'm making an extra effort to stretch slowly and carefully in Pure Barre and to stay up higher in lunge and chair positions, for instance!
I've also been pretty weepy this week. How weird is this: I had a dream about crying for no reason, and I woke up to myself crying...for no reason. WHAT! And I'm not the biggest Sex and the City watcher, but the series finale was on tv this weekend, and I watched it. Y'all. I couldn't get through one scene without crying...Carrie and Big, Miranda helping with Steve's mom, Charlotte's adoption, Samantha's breast cancer...I was a pregnant hormonal mess. Ha!!!
I've also been pretty weepy this week. How weird is this: I had a dream about crying for no reason, and I woke up to myself crying...for no reason. WHAT! And I'm not the biggest Sex and the City watcher, but the series finale was on tv this weekend, and I watched it. Y'all. I couldn't get through one scene without crying...Carrie and Big, Miranda helping with Steve's mom, Charlotte's adoption, Samantha's breast cancer...I was a pregnant hormonal mess. Ha!!!
Cravings/Aversions: No. 2nd trimester pregnancy has been a little boring where these are concerned. ;)
Missing Most: Honestly...Charlotte, NC.
Nursery: I got several projects done this weekend! I spray painted like a madwoman on our driveway, bought a mirror and big golden frame (for her art above the crib made by my best friend and talented artist, Lizzie Morrison!) from Hobby Lobby, and even did a little name doodle to hang on her wall as well. It was a productive week!
Bumpin around the driveway in the name of love and gold spray paint.
Did you hear about The Crochet Envy? I couldn't be more in love with Nancy's new blanket.
I also can't wait to replace that chaise with a glider in a few weeks!!!!
Hubby: Is so excited about our little girl. We talk about her (and he asks about her) everyday. I am certain that he is going to be the best girl daddy in the world. My man's man and all of his girly girls...the thought makes my heart burst. :)
Best Part of the Week: Feeling Nancy move around is always the highlight of my day--truly. It's joyful and reassuring to feel her each day. Love those little moments...and these too:
He's already wrapped around the tiny paws of this tiny pup.
Homebody Saturday nights with #tinainthemiddle
Be sure to pop over to Lena's blog -- January's champagne sponsor!
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