Monday, November 18, 2013

thankful: a simple weekend with my husband

It was a lovely weekend. Nothing crazy. Nothing special. But it was a whole string of little events that were perfectly us.

Mark worked some long hours last week, and that time apart made our inseparable time this weekend even sweeter. Our weekend just felt like one long (wonderful) date.

My two loves watching the surfers.
We had movie night in and movie night out (About Time was so good. And deeper than I anticipated. LOVED it.) We talked and talked and talked and stayed in our pjs till 2:30 on Satuday. We ran errands and did a little pre-Christmas shopping. We went out to dinner (and lunch!) which is rare for our frugal selves. We walked on the beach and just enjoyed our time together.

Today I am thankful for my husband. There is no one I'd rather do life with. He makes everything more fun just by being around.

We don't have the perfect marraige (no one does), but God has given us a very blessed one. I hope and pray that God can use our little family to reflect His love and to bless others.

Marky, I love you, and I am so indescribably thankful to be your wife.

Happy Monday, dear friends. And don't forget to link up with us tomorrow!!!! (YAY!) 

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  1. sounds like a PERFECT weekend!!!

    I have my post all ready for tomorrow, I am super excited!!!

  2. He's definitely using your marriage to show His love. Happy Monday sweet girl!!

  3. So sweet!! I love that photo from the beach!

  4. Love this post!! Sounds like the perfect weekend to me!!!

    1. :) thanks girlie! it was perfect to us too!!! i love little moments!!

  5. What a sweet weekend with your honey. Love precious times like these with my husband!:) (And our son, now, of course:)

  6. What a wonderful weekend, excited for the link up tomorrow :)

    1. :)
      ...and I got the SWEETEST little note on the mail on Saturday! you are the best!!!! xx

  7. So sweet! I Love that you admit you don't have a perfect's so easy to think that some people do, when, in reality, everyone struggles a little!! Happy Monday!

  8. This is just beautiful, Elise! I like to think that the perfect marriages are perfectly imperfect...that's what makes them so good in the end :)

  9. Weekends of complete togetherness are perfect! We're having one ourselves this coming weekend!!

    1. yes! complete togetherness!!! cheers to yall's this coming weekend...only the best!

  10. cute relaxing weekend! Can't wait for tomorrow!

  11. Love this -- so sweet! And nothing beats a relaxing weekend (especially in Wilmington!). Loving that picture of your hubs with your pup looking at the waves. Happy Monday to you, sweet friend!
    xo, Zelle
    A Southern Style

  12. Sounds like the perfect weekend!! Love the wedding photo :) So sweet!

  13. Sounds like a great weekend! It's nice to have some relaxing downtime before the crazy holiday season hits! Can't wait for the linkup tomorrow - working on my post right now :)

  14. Sounds like the BEST weekend! And staying up till 2:30 in your jammies talking? Heavenly!!

  15. That sounds like such a perfect weekend! Some good one on one time is so amazing for the soul and the marriage. You're so sweet! xoxo

  16. Awe...pass the kleenex please! So sweet :-)

  17. Ok, y'all really are THE cutest!!!! Such a beautiful couple! Love that you referred to the weekend as "one long date"!! SO much fun!!! xoxo

  18. What an adorable photo of your hubs and the dog! With the baby around, one on one time is hard to come across and coveted when we do find it!

    1. Thanks girlie! And, yes, we are trying to savor this time with just us two while our family is so little!!! :)

  19. You two are precious! I love that you are so in love! A perfect marriage would be a boring marriage.

  20. A never-ending date - sounds like the perfect weekend! Love your two photos!!

  21. I can't wait to link up tomorrow! Such great pictures in this post!

  22. Glad to hear About Time was good! I'm dying to see it! As soon as I heard it was by the same people who did Love Actually I knew I'd love it!

  23. So sweet! Those are the best kind of weekends!!

  24. Love those types of weekends! I had one myself! Also, totally looking forward to the link up- I've got my post ready to go!

  25. Awww, you two are so cute!! Glad you had a great weekend together!

  26. This post just made my heart happy. It is so important to enjoy the simple things with one another and invest in that time for just the two of you!

  27. I love weekends like that! Makes you really appreciate the little things in life :)
