Tuesday, November 5, 2013

embrace the rain

 Embrace the rain.
I love that it rained during my little sissy's engagement pictures. The rain made the photos even more perfect. 

Just under one year ago (Nov 19, 2012, to be exact) Hope was admitted to the hospital for a scheduled surgery to combat some severe Crohn's disease complications. She is a rockstar. In a small, very simply put nutshell: surgery 1 turned into Thanksgiving in the hospital turned into emergency surgery 2 turned into a scary stay in the ICU turned into a 99% chance of spending Christmas in the hospital.

But our God is still in the miracle business, and we got our Christmas miracle last year when Hopey came home from the hospital just in the nick of time for Christmas with our whole family. (You can read more about that story here.)

One year later and all that to say...Hope epitomizes embracing the rain
The rain in these pictures couldn't be more symbolic.
You know what? I'm pretty sure the rain was there on purpose. :)
[KV, I'm crying! Thank you. These are treasures for our family forever! We love you!!!] 

You don't hear Hope complaining about Crohn's. Sure, it's a part of her life (everyyyday), but it doesn't define her. She doesn't let it bring her down. And she certainly makes light of it a whoooolllleee lot more than she ever cries or complains about it. Not to mention...as a defensive and protective older sis, I have noticed that it's a completely different story to battle a chronic disease when it looks like you're completely healthy on the outside...I could get on my soapbox about that!! But I won't. ;)

I am positive that God is using Hope's life to inspire and speak to others. Positivity. Faith. Perseverance. HOPE. My sister is all of these things.


I'm a so proud of my Hopey. It's definitely an interesting feeling knowing that my little sis is a lot stronger and braver I am (and always will be!!). In this month full of gratitude, I know my family has infinite blessings. More than I could ever count! (Thanks be to God!) But today...today, I am most thankful for my sister and the way she so effortlessly chooses to embrace the rain.

I love you, sissy! Cheers to YOU! :)

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Engagement Photographs by Kristin Vining


  1. Praising God with you for your sisters Christmas miracle last year! And praising God for being God...for continuing to do miracles, big and small,every single day!

  2. What an amazing testimony! Praise God and all that he is! I love hearing stories of over coming obsticals :) and my dear goodness those pictures are amazing! I'm a KV lover/stalker/whatever haha her work is incredible!

  3. Wow, Elise (and Hope)!!! What an amazing testimony to SO many! Now I'm crying!! ;)) I have a younger sis, so I can only imagine your feelings during that time. What a special and exciting time for your family!!!! xoxo

  4. such beautiful photos, the rain did make it even better!

  5. These photos are beautiful!!!! They will treasure these for sure!


  6. Rain is SO incredibly soothing and peaceful. It's my favorite weather. The pictures are gorgeous, and in keeping with your sister's beautiful story. Thanks for sharing :)


    1. thank YOU for the love and encouragement, doll!! for reals! ;)

  7. So funny that you call your sister Hope, "Hopey". My best friend is named Hope and we call her "Hopey" too. I think the rain really makes these pictures even better!

    We had a rough hospital stay (nowhere near as lengthy as serious as Hope's) right before Christmas last year with our two-year-old son, Sawyer had to stay for a nasty bacterial infection in his stomach and intussusception and we came home the week before Christmas. Never a fun place to be, especially during the Holidays. So happy that your sister is doing well!

  8. Such a sweet post about your precious sister. Love the bond that you two have! And so glad that she has come so far since last year. My dad suffers from Crohn's and I know just how debilitating and difficult it is to have to live with it on a daily basis!

  9. Replies
    1. :) thank you! meant every word with all my heart!!

  10. This is a beautiful post! Also, my little sister has Crohn's and we thought we would have a hospital Thanksgiving a couple of years ago...she got released that morning! A love for Dave Barnes Christmas AND little sister's with Crohns...weird!

  11. I just found your blog and love it! These pictures are so pretty and your sister sounds like a total rockstar!

  12. What an amazing story. God is Good! And love between sisters is just hard to beat! I hope you have a great day!!

  13. Amazing post about your sister :) Gorgeous pictures!

  14. Kudos to your sister for having a good attitude amidst the rain...I wouldn't have been as happy!

  15. This is such a beautiful lil post about your sis! And the pictures are perfect! I love when little things like that happen during pictures, sometimes they make the pictures so unique and special! Thanks for sharing(:

  16. My husband suffers from Chron's so I can totally relate. Beautiful post and pictures!!!

  17. But God! In every situation he is faithful. Beautiful pictures :)

  18. In movies and books, rain is used to symbolize new beginnings or new starts. That's perfect for engagement pics!

  19. Such a lovely story, and those pictures are gorgeous! Both of you are so pretty and could be models :) I totally feel for your sister. I have been dealing with digestive issues as well over the last couple of years, although nothing as serious as Crohn's, but it's still so hard when you cannot figure out what is causing the problem, and when you never know when things might flare up.

  20. How scary to have to watch your own sister go through something like that, and at the same time, I think it's awesome the lesson and the insight into her strength of character that you are able to get out of that ordeal!

  21. This post gave me goosebumps :) Thanks for sharing

  22. You are such a wonderful big sister! What a beautiful post, as someone who also suffers from IBD it was very inspiring to read. I too try not to let it define me, and I like to think I do a pretty good job of it but we all have our days :)

    I love reading your blog, your personality shines through in your writing!

    xo Tawnya
