Thursday, November 21, 2013

DIY Christmas Banner [for under $5]

Yes, that's right. I started decorating last weekend. Started!...I haven't finished yet. Mostly because Mark wanted to watch football, and I cannot bear decorating without blaring Christmas music throughout the house. ;)

I was most excited about getting our mantel set up. So that, of course, is where I began.

Y'all know I'm always up for a good deal. I found a great one for you to recreate for your mantels!!! It's super easy...thanks to a magical thing called gold glitter stickers. Here's how I did it!

scrapbook paper (or your backing of choice)
gold glitter sticker letters (I got mine at Michaels)

I chose this scrapbook paper from Michaels because of the gold pattern...and mostly because there was a sale on scrapbook paper. But more on the price stuff later! ;) There are sooo many different paper options to choose from! A close 2nd to this one was a cute paper with Christmas trees in the background!! And 3rd was alternating between red and green paper...but I couldn't part with my current gold obsession.

1. Choose your cutout shape. I used triangles for our fall banner, so I chose this flag-like pattern for our Chrismas banner.
2. Trace the pattern onto the scrapbook paper keeping each flag as close together as possible.
3. Cut!
4. Use the beautiful, sparkly gold stickers to spell whichever phrase you choose! (But check on the back of the pack first to make sure there are enough letters for your creation! For instance, I used up all of the pack's Rs for meRRy chRistmas!
5. Use tape to connect the paper with the yarn. Space evenly between the yarn, leaving extra room at the ends for hanging.
6. Hang that beauty! Merry, merry!! 

 Our Christmas mantel! Next to-do: hang the stockings!

Now onto the price deets...because we don't want to spend over $5, do we?! :)

- I got the scrapbook paper 6 pieces for $1 on sale at Michael's. I only used 3 pieces! The regular price is .60 cents.
- The gold letters were $5.99 (eek!) BUT I used my 40% off 1 item coupon. This week they upped it to 50% one item! So go get those letters! I usually just google "Michaels coupon" on my phone at the store, and the cashier rings up the coupon straight from my phone. You can also find the 50% off coupon here.
- I already had the string from my fall banner, so there was no spending there! 

Here is the grand proven by the receipt! WOOHOO!

Make sure to share your pictures with me if you create a lovely Christmas banner yourself!! Can't wait to see your creations, lovelies!!!
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  1. love love love!!!! I will have to save this for next year, I made a bigger banner for above our fireplace

  2. You're amazing I can't believe this was made for under $5!! I had to see the receipt to believe you! It's super cute and easy too!

  3. Elise, these are SO beautiful! I'm sad I don't have a home to really decorate this year, but I'll be taking all your beautiful inspirations to heart for next year! That's just stunning!

  4. Elise - I LOVE the banner!! I am so glad you shared this :)

  5. So cute & creative!!! (and you can't beat that price) I see a Michaels trip in my weekend plans. Thanks for sharing!

    1. yayyyyy! you just musttt share the pics with me if you make one!! christmas decor never gets old to me and makes me giddy. ;)
      can't wait!!!!! xx

  6. Very good idea! Super cute for super cheap! That's my kind of décor! :)

  7. So pretty! Looks so much more expensive than just $4.87:)

  8. I love it! It came out beautiful!

  9. I'm so going to do this myself this weekend! So cute, so easy! Just lovely, Elise.

  10. Adorable! My mantle is home to similar sparkly reindeers. I will definitely be heading to Michaels this afternoon. I'm also glad we share the same view on decorating, Christmas music is a must. Can't wait to see more it's adorable, Elise. :)

  11. So cute!! Your mantel looks great - can't wait to see the rest of the house! I'm starting decorating this weekend too!! I am SO excited, I can't wait!!

    1. Christmas decorating makes me giddy!!!! SOOO excited for the BOTH of us!!! ;) :) :) :) :) :) EEEEE!

  12. Oh me your mantle is gorgeous!!!!!!

  13. I LOVE this! The one thing I want when I move into a real house from our apartment is a fireplace with a mantle! They are just adorable! This is awesomely cheap and it looks so good! We are decorating on Sunday and I can hardly contain myself with excitement!

  14. Love the banner! I will have to check out those glitter letters.

  15. Love this! For taping the paper on the yarn, did you fold over at the top and tape paper onto paper or use some kind of double stick tape??

    1. Thanks sweet Katie!!! :) I kept it super simple and didn't fold. Just taped it right on with good ol scotch tape at the tip top of the flag cutouts. I would send you a pic, but I'm not at home right now!! If you look at the fall banner pictures (the link is above) I did the same thing there...just used masking tape with those since it was burlap. But same idea!! xx

  16. So cute!
    I need to go buy those gold glitter letters!

  17. Love it and your white brick fireplace!!

  18. This looks great, and so easy!! Love your decorating style! I would love to put this up but I fear the toddler tornado would tear it down in 0.2 seconds! ! ha ha

    1. Thanks girl!! Easy and inexpensive are my go-tos. Always!! :)

  19. LOVE it!!! We're decorating on Saturday and I was just thinking--we're going to have to start early because Chris will definitely try to shut off my Christmas music when football starts. HA! Anyway, now you've got me all excited about decorating our mantle! :)

  20. Ahhh, love this!! I need those gold letters in my life! Also, I'm with ya on the Christmas music while decorating :)

  21. I must do this! Thanks for the instructions and inspiration :)

  22. LOVE, love it!! Awesome job my dear friend!! :)

  23. Absolutely loving this! I mighttt just have to create my own! xo
    A Southern Style

  24. you're so cute--i'm going to have to create my own!

  25. Love this! I've been thinking about a banner I want to add to my mantle...I love the idea of stickers!

  26. I am OBSESSED with this idea!!! Thank you for sharing your creativity with us! I can't wait to try this! XOXO! Lesa

    1. YAYYYY! You just have to share pics with me when you make it!!!! Christmas decor makes me giddy!!! :) :) Can't wait to see, lovely lady! EEEEE! YAYAYAY! xx

  27. Oh my goodness I am so grateful that you shared this. I have been telling Jon everyday that I was a Christmas banner, but I can't find any cheaper than $25 and to make one out of wooden letters was going to cost $25 and here you go getting all creative and making my heart happy. Swoon! Thank you, dollface. You've made my day!

  28. Love this, Elise! I'm helping host an engagement party this weekend, and will be definitely using this banner idea! xo

  29. A-ma-zing!!! I'm obsessed with how cute this banner is and I really want to run to Michael's right now and make my own... thanks so much for sharing such a great, easy idea! :)

    xo Always, Abby
