Thursday, November 7, 2013

"the cross is offensive."

The Cross.
Cried through this. But that's nothing new. I'm a crier. :)
Praying for Believers and unbelievers, lukewarm Christians, new creations in Christ, and everyone in between. 
Praying for salvation. 
For life changes. 
For disciples.
For world changers. 
For hope built in Christ alone.

Noteworthy Quotes...

"We deserve the cross.
We deserve hell.
We deserve judgement and all that that means.
I know that many people dispute that.
People don't want to hear that they are sinners.
To many people it's an offense.
THE CROSS IS OFFENSIVE because it directly confronts the evils which dominate so much of this world."

"One reason that the cross is an offense to people is because it demands--it doesn't suggest--it demands a new lifestyle in all of us. Sin is a disease in the human heart. It affects the mind, and the will, and the emotions...every part of our being is affected by this disease. How can we break this bondage? How can we be set free? God helps us break those chains. The Bible says, "If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature." Old things pass away everything becomes new. He can make you a totally new person."

"There is no other way of salvation except through the cross of Christ. Jesus said, 'I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man cometh to Father but by me.' The only way to the Father, Father God, is through His Son, Jesus Christ."

Love y'all!!!
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  1. It breaks my heart when I see attacks on our cross every. single. day. It's happening daily around the world, but it's also happening right here in the US. It's both sad and scary to me. It's such a comfort to know that there are fellow Christians like you out there who are still willing to share your faith proudly!!!

  2. I have goosebumps, what a powerful message!! I am sitting here at my desk fighting back tears. So glad you posted this - I missed it last night & wanted to see it. My old youth pastor's wife is actually his granddaughter. "There is no other way of salvation except through the cross of Christ..." Amen, amen, amen!

    1. amazing, right?! glory to God!!! what a cool connection!!!!
      happy Saturday, babe!!

  3. I actually saved my post on this for Sunday. I was in tears.

  4. Love your small except from this! I can't wait to watch it, I'm sure it will be truly inspiring.
