Monday, May 11, 2015

My First Mother's Day

Strong marriages make strong families. Strong families make strong communities. Strong communities make strong cities, states, nations, and so on. With that said: remember that moms are world changers. By loving, serving and self-sacrificing for our families, we are creating the next generation of leaders. So--little mama reading this today--remember that you are a world changer.

My first Mother's Day felt a bit surreal. With Nancy being just over two weeks old, it still felt almost too good to be true. I still can't believe this little lady is ours. We started our Mother's Day celebration on Saturday night with extended family. I, of course, took a multitude of photos to recap the weekend!

 We went to Saturday night service at our church. The service was Mother's Day themed. All the mamas even stood up to be recognized, and I couldn't believe I was one of them. Wearing my baby at that. :)

 Nancy slept through the entire service in the Solly wrap. Sweet baby.

 After church with the fam, we headed back to my grandparents' house for dinner. I celebrated fitting back into a pair of my pre-pregnancy jeans (not all of them yet, but this pair is a start!) by ordering a cheeseburger, fries, and a toffee cookie from Rusty's Deli...because that makes perfect sense, right?! Of course we had a four generation Mother's Day photo shoot too. :)

My Mimi and Papaw and their first great-grandbaby. I know how deeply blessed I am to watch my grandparents with our little girl. What a treasure.

Say WHAAAAT, Uncle Eric?!

 Daddy daughter Benjamin Button impressions. (I'm telling you -- she has that judgy baby face down pat.)

I could hold hands with these little fingers all day long.

 Saturday began with cards and coffee made by my hubby instead of moi for a change. Between my push present and upcoming birthday, I told Marky that all I wanted was a card with a sweet note and family time. Also, apparently Nancy likes Cookie Monster. :)

 All four of us (Tina too) slept in super late and went on a family walk in the afternoon. We loooove to walk. 

 And we headed over to the Hoidal's for a hot minute in the afternoon because they are family too. :)

Her faces. I can't. Love this baby so, so much. So thankful to be her mama.

Mother's Day dinner was Mexican from Cantina. With lots of extra salsa verde to last me through the week. Holla! Mom, sista, and I enjoyed a bottle of Whispering Angel together. Cheers!

 And we wrapped everything up with TCBY. My brother got the biggest serving of froyo I've ever seen anyone order. And ate it all in one sitting. Without brain freeze. As fast as I ate mine. Oh, to be a teenage boy...!

But the best part of my day was this moment...walking into the room after getting ready for bed to this sight. The two humans I love most in this world laying like this. Oh, my heart!

A wonderful weekend indeed. As cliche as it sounds, I know I am beyond blessed. God is good.
Cheers to y'all, world changing mamas! Hope your weekends were full of love!

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