Thursday, May 21, 2015

My 28th Birthday

This year. My first birthday as a mama. Something I thought a lot about for the first time was the different between a birthday--as I've always thought of it--and a birth [space] day. I found myself thinking a lot about Nancy's birth day, which led me to thinking about my parents on my actual birth day in the hospital. I concluded that birthdays are especially sentimental for mamas and daddies too. On any given child's birth day, however many years ago, parents end nine months of anticipation and welcome the newest love of their lives into the world. And you know what? That's pretty darn special. I think I'll never look at birthdays the same again. Now that I know that love between a mama and a her baby, I'll have my mommy to thank for every birthday I celebrate from here on out. Just for loving me the way she does. (Thanks, Mommy. I love you!)

A lot of mamas told me that this birthday would be my best yet...because baby snuggles. And being a mama. My dream come true, you know? Well, they were right. Best yet. It was simple in style but grand in my heart. 

 Exactly what I wanted for my birthday--a love note. :)

 Free birthday Starbucks + Bachelorette + baby snuggles = afternoon perfection

I mean...these little moments are everything to my heart! Her favorite place to be. The sweetest part of my day.

Nancy wore an old outfit of mine. Straight up 1987. I love it! Also: see that #judgybaby on the left? Always judgin'.

And--just for fun--yours truly in that same outfit almost 28 years ago. :)

We had a pre-dinner beer or two on the porch.

And lots of baby snuggles. | Harper and Hope (and Tina!), Mal and Nancy

 My dinner request? Mellow Mushroom. And my hubby got out the selfie stick for the first time since Nancy's birth day. (And next sista will take it with her to Antigua!...this weekend!)

Ben & Jerry's ice cream cake perfection -- cookies & cream and carmel blondie inside. YES.

 My little family. The reason why this bday was the best yet. 

 ...And because of her too. My mama. Who I adore and appreciate in so many new ways now that I'm one too. 

 Any cake called "Sprinkle Explosion" is a friend of mine!

Cheers to 28, to pizza and ice cream cake, and the simple joy of being with family. I look forward to whatever God has in store for me this year!!

P.S. Don't forget to enter the Simply Made with Love giveaway for a $25 shop credit!

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