Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Homebody in my Hometown

Last weekend Marky and I headed to Charlotte. The only thing on the agenda was for Mark and my brother to attend the AC Milan vs. Liverpool game together. Moi? I got some one-on-one mama time. And it was much needed and appreciated!

So before I share some scenes from the weekend, I have a question. Have you moved away from your hometown...and when you go back you feel like there are 491941 people you want to see/catch up with/grab coffee/go on a walk/generally visit, whatever! I grew up in Charlotte and moved back after college. There are so many people that I truly love in that city. Old friends, new friends, church family, former students and their families...not to mention a good bit of my own extended family. All that to say: How do you balance time at home when you visit your hometown? Because truth be told: I have a really hard time ever wanting to leave my mom's house when I'm there. Owning it.

I feel like if I were in Charlotte for a long span of time--like a week--it would be easy! I could schedule little catch up sesh-es over that span of time! But those quick weekend trips back to Charlotte, I never want to leave "home." Thoughts? Ideas? Tips? Am I cray-cray?! :) I'd love any insight! 

My mama had a couple of these in the fridge...watermelon + lime + coconut water. Helloooo yum.

We grilled out on Friday night. Steaks for the men, Fresh Market salmon for the gals.
(Best salmon marinade ever = maple syrup + dijon mustard!)
I couldn't help but smile walking downstairs on Saturday afternoon to these two twinsie bros.

I snapped this pic and sent it to my pretty bridesmaids. I tried on my sister's MOH dress from my wedding...and I can't wait to wear it to a wedding I'm singing in next weekend! I mean, how cool. I'm wearing one of my bridesmaids' dresses! Eeeee! Can't wait. :)

After a day of mama daughter time, we capped off the night at Fahrenheit. 
Mom was semi embarassed by my drink choice and said it looked like a man's drink. Which it did. 
But I'm always a sucker for anything with 0 syrup and lots of muddled fruit!!! (Blackberries and basil in this one!!!) Cheers!

QC view

The mama

Crowder's Mountain way in the distance. How cool!

Walking around Phillips Place after a D&D lunch on Sunday.

Dreaming of eventually splurging on this one for above the kitchen table!

Tiny pup, big farm. 
The best way out of town/back to the beach is a stop through my Mimi and Papaw's house in Waxhaw!

Monday morning necessities...

...that make a Monday of spilling milk not so bad at all. :)

Pop over here for your last chance to enter the EShakti giveaway! 

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