Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Real Talk: Breastfeeding + Covered Goods

Real talk: breastfeeding. It's a big part of my day...everyday. About 3+ solid hours of my day are spent sitting and nursing my little Nancypie. That's a good chunk of a day! I have an app that keeps track of which side I last nursed from and for how long, but I mainly use it to keep track of when my last feeding began because during the day I always find myself thinking "There is no way it has been 2-3 hours since she last ate..." (and then, as always, it has been that long).

Breastfeeding wasn't always a walk in the park for us. It started off that way in the hospital, but when we went back to the hospital for Nancy's jaundice and shoved bottles of pumped colostrum and a little bit of formula down her throat while I pumped every 2 hours 24/7 for 2 days to try and get my milk to come in...well, that's another story. Obviously. But that little experience taught our oh-so-clever 4-day-old child that you don't have to work as hard to get milk from a bottle. After that experience of bottle heaven in the hospital, Nancy pretty much lost her latch. She wasn't having it. I was so frustrated because she latched so well the previous 3 days! A couple visits to the lactation wizard and a nipple shield (yes, that's a real thing) later, we were back on track. Now we're here to stay!

That's a little background on my breastfeeding "journey." :) My goal is to nurse Nancy for one year, and I'll be darned if it didn't take 3 months to hook myself up with a nursing cover. (Bless my family--espeically my 17-year-old brother-- because it's like National Geographic at home.) I'm peachy to nurse whenever, wherever at home, but when we're out and about in public, I prefer a nursing cover.

I didn't originally register for one because I heard that the typical covers were too heavy and opaque for summer and I would be sweating my face off while using one. No thanks. Humidity of the South + an unbreathable cover = no. But I know about Covered Goods! Bingo. This is the stuff, y'all.

See that?! It's a cute, light, breathable fabric (of course I went with stripes!). It covers not just your front but your back too. (Crucial.) It's like a little poncho without the sleeves. But then it gets better. Covered Goods hit the brilliance jackpot on nursing covers. This little number also has 3  (!!!) other uses. Wait for it...

HELLO?! Nursing cover, infant car seat cover, infinity scarf, AND shopping cart cover?! Yes, yes, yes, and yes. This thing is the real deal. Seriously: how cool and nifty would you feel bringing this into a baby shower? (As if there aren't enough "oohs" and "aahs" at any given baby shower already. ;))

I'm obsessed with my Covered Goods. It's so soft too. I can assure you it's absolutely what I'll be wearing on the plane when we head to England this fall. Come to think of it, it'll be a nice little blanket on the airplane too. Don't y'all get cold on airplanes? I digress... Really though, I know this nursing cover will be my best friend as we make that 8ish hour flight across the pond. For now I keep it in my diaper bag at all times. I just fold it and shove it in one of my diaper bag insert pockets. Covered Goods, y'all rock. Thanks for hooking me up! CHEERS!

Shop my look + accessories here:
[Not included but noteworthy: the diaper bag insert for my non-diaper bag! ;)]
Disclosure: Per Cheers Yall's policy, I was given this item in exchange for a product review; however, all opinions are my own.

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