Monday, October 28, 2013


Happy Monday, sweet friends! Let's NOT participate in the Monday blues fest and shine a little light and encouragement to others instead! :)

But before I forget...Cheers Y'all is on Facebook now! Head on over (right here!) and like!!! :) 

Soooo...the winner of the first ever Cheers Y'all [the shop] giveaway is....

#67 -- Mia N. of
 Congratulations, lovely lady! I'll be emailing you soon! Be thinking about which canvas you want! :)

To everyone else...thank you for entering (sincerely!!)!! I hope and pray that this is the first of many giveaways from the shop!

Now go check out that gold and glitter, shoot me an email, and we'll make sure your very own canvas is on your mantel or in your entryway (or wherever you want it!) by Thanksgiving!!! Spread a little merriness this Monday!

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  1. these are so cute! love em! i'm thinking I might need to be placing an order :)

    happy Monday lady!

  2. Thank you so much girl, I am so excited!! I was showing my husband them and telling him we were going to have to order one :)
