Tuesday, October 29, 2013

day 29 - small: smile + say hello

I know I'm Southern (and proud of it!), but I just have to tell you about one of my biggest pet peeves.

I cannot stand it when I'm on a walk. 
And here I am walking on the sidewalk. 
And there's a person from the opposite direction. 
On the same side of the sidewalk.
And when they approach me they just stare straight ahead and don't make eye contact with me.

Hello!!! I know you know I'm there!!! Hi!!!! :) :) :)

That little anecdote was just a way to say...y'all: take 2 seconds to smile and say hello. Live boldly and joyfully in Christ. Be light. Be love. And if it's just not very "you" to smile and say hello, do it for Jesus. Spread HIS love, HIS light, the joy we find IN HIM!

Maybe it's cliche...but I really believe that sometimes a smile is all it takes to turn someone's day around.

Let's remember this:

To Christ be the glory!!! :)
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  1. Hey sweetie! I just love you and all of your sweet posts! On a different topic, check out my blog post from today; I nominated you for the Liebster Award :) Hope you have a fantastic day girl!

  2. I laughed reading this! This happens sometimes and it drives me crazy too!

  3. This post is so true! So many times we see people while we are running or walking and they pretend we're not there. Come on guys, didn't your mama tell you to bring joy to people lives?! haha

  4. Agree! Makes me a little crazy too. Here's a :) just for you!

  5. hilarious! seriously made ma laugh out loud!

  6. Of course I'm following you now too. Such a beauty you are!!!! XOXO

    lauren rebecca

  7. I have the same pet peeve, even worse when they actually do look at me but won't smile or say hello!!!

  8. Oh my gosh, I feel you on the sidewalk pet peeve! I always smile (especially when I'm running past someone and they're on the other side running) and then I feel so weird when they don't acknowledge me back! My, they must have their grumpy pants on!

    jess | Quaintrelle

  9. I couldn't agree more! A little common courtesy could make this world such a better place!

    Have a wonderful evening!

  10. Or, even worse, when you are at work and someone walks right by you in the hallway without smiling, saying hello, or look you in the eye! I want to yell, I work with you! At least acknowledge me!!

  11. That's one of my pet peeves too. It's like, HELLO!
    I have been so tempted to just keep walking on the same side to see if they would end up just running into me...that would be interesting!
