Monday, October 28, 2013

day 28 - big: a community of Believers

31 Days Index
Today isn't anything novel. I just want to encourage each of you sweet readers to get plugged into a church home (and even more specifically a small group/Life Group/community group/whatever you want to call it!) if you're not already plugged into one.

Life is hard sometimes. And it definitely isn't fair. And we are tempted by a million things daily.


But having people who want to carry your burdens with you, encourage you, pray for you, do life with you...well, it's God's design. He created us to be in community with each other.

Not to mention, it's a LOT easier to resist conforming to the patterns of the world when you have godly women beside you...who are with you and FOR you...who are chasing after the same eternal goal.

Choose to walk in life beside other Believers. Yes, you should still be in the world and spreading the light of Christ to others who don't know Him. But when it comes to accountability, prayer, and what is good in the eyes of the Lord...go to your sisters in Christ.

Writing this makes me miss my lovely ladies back in Charlotte...!!

All of these women above push me to be more like Jesus.
They have prayed for me in ways I didn't even know how to pray for myself.
They have certainly carried my burdens. 
And they love me despite my shortcomings.
They challenge me, care about me, and are honest with me in the name of Jesus!
Ohhh how a heavy heart can be lightened through strong community!
And they're there for the little things too. Like roasting marshmallows or chatting about Justin Timberlake. :)
(Love you, sugars!!!!!! I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!)

I want YOU to have a this joyous kind of community too! And if you think you can't...let's walk in this journey together!  I'm starting all over here in Wilmington. Let me know if I can encourage you in any way as I too am just getting plugged into a new church home, a new community, and new friendships that shine for the glory of Christ. :)
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  1. Community is so important. We've recently started going to church with some friends and I go to a weekly women's group. I didn't realize how much I was missing until those 2 things started happening regularly!

    1. yes!!! it's like...once you get plugged in, you're like...HOW DID I EVER LIVE WITHOUT THIS?! it just makes a world of difference. life is lighter with more ways than one! ;)


  2. Love this! Surrounding yourself with the right people is huge. I started going to my church back around March this year and it's made such a huge difference in my life. I'm in a small group now and I volunteer and it's just amazing how God can use you and transform you when you allow him to.

  3. LOVE this!!!! Thanks for the 'Follow' :)

    Much Love & Many Blessings....... Jayma |

  4. We found a church home a couple of months ago - it's so important!

  5. I can't be your friend in person, but I'm so thankful I can enjoy community with you through the blog world!! Love!! :)
