Thursday, July 18, 2013

Nashville, Tennessee

I don't like that this is no longer in chronological order. Just saying.

But the weekend before Mark and I left for Burundi, we took a road trip to Nashville with our friends Mallory and Kyle (who you might have "met" on the blog here).

The four of us left on Thursday evening and made the 7 hour journey at night so we could have a full day on Friday. We had the best time!!

hello, nashville!!! it was BEAUTIFUL like this all. weekend. long.
afternoon at hoky tonk central :) don't know what i would do without this sweet friend of mine!!!
the first of many future hoidal/houston family vacays
Mal and Kyle's friend (and ours now too!), Cole, was a wonderful Nashville host and took us on our own personal tour of Fontanel Mansion. Thanks, Cole!!!
Fontanel (You might recognize it from Country Strong!)
Fontanel is also the home of the Southern Living Idea House.
Yes, I was drooling the entire time.
as these friends of mine know...i have a thing for neutrals when it comes to decor. i adored every room in this home!!! sigh. and swoon.
the city from cole's balcony -- cannot do it justice!
In a nutshell:
- Nashville rocks. Home of amazing live music everywhere you go.
- Country music is the best. (Duh.)
- We are so thankful for our friends! There are not a lot of couples that you can spend 14 hours in the car with plus 2 nights in a hotel room without having some tension/getting on each other's nerves. Thanks for always putting up with us (especially me!!), Hoidals!
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  1. Oh my gosh, I am SO incredibly jealous that you got to see that amazing idea house in person. I think I ripped out every picture from that month's SL for my "inspiration" folder for a someday house. So gorgeous!

    1. It was aaaamazing...and, truth be told, the house hadn't had its grand opening yet, so I was running around peering in every single window like a crazy person! HA!! Still...OBSESSED! :)

  2. Looks like a great trip Elise! Love the name of you blog too :)

    1. Thanks Becky!!! Appreciate the encouragement...means a lot to me as a beginner at all of this! Thank you, thank you!!

  3. I love Nashville so much...and those die for!!!!
