How Far Along: 27 weeks...7 days away from the 3rd trimester. WHAAAT!!!? And about that: for the first time in my pregnancy, over the past couple of days I've THREE strangers comment on my pregnancy/ask when I'm due. Considering I asked Mark on our walk on Sunday, "Do you think people can tell I'm pregnant or do I just look fat?"...I'm calling the strangers being confident enough to know I'm pregnant a total win.
Also - got the call back from the doc this week that my glucose test results came back normal. Woohoo! Thankful for that!!
Size of Baby: A little over 2lbs and 15" long!! A cucumber/bunch of bananas are the comparisons this week.
Gender: Our little girl, Nancy Hope Houston!
Fun Fact: Baby's organs are pretty much fully it's time for her to put on some fat and grow, grow, grow that little body!
Fun Fact: Baby's organs are pretty much fully it's time for her to put on some fat and grow, grow, grow that little body!
Movement: Everyday. Lots of it. Some of my favorite moments this week were just laying on the couch or in bed with Mark and watching our little girl dance around. The moments are so real yet so surreal; they surpass my understanding!
Another movement-related favorite part of the week happened just yesterday during the very last exercise of Pure Barre. I felt her press some part of her body against the top of my tummy and I quickly put my hand there and pressed back. There was pressure between the two of us "touching" and it literally was the coolest thing in the world. I didn't care that I looked like a cheeseball smiling through our last bit of seat work. That was one of the most incredible moments in pregnancy that I've experienced thus far. I never want to forget it. My are welling up as I type about it! I love her so much already.
My heart
Just before I laying down for the night...which typically cues a Nancy dance party!
Another movement-related favorite part of the week happened just yesterday during the very last exercise of Pure Barre. I felt her press some part of her body against the top of my tummy and I quickly put my hand there and pressed back. There was pressure between the two of us "touching" and it literally was the coolest thing in the world. I didn't care that I looked like a cheeseball smiling through our last bit of seat work. That was one of the most incredible moments in pregnancy that I've experienced thus far. I never want to forget it. My are welling up as I type about it! I love her so much already.
Sleep: Pretty good. Had my first horrible baby related nightmare this week. I woke myself up to the sound of me gasping for air in a crying kind of way. In my nightmare, Nancy was abducted, and when I woke up I was running towards the firemen telling them to find my baby. It was a horrible way to wake up! Also did anyone have a "water baby" doll growing up? Because Nancy looked like and was the same size as a water baby in this dream. Ha!!
Workouts: Pure Barre x 7 (what what!!), a 2 mile walk with Tina, a 3 mile family walk, and a WB loop walk with my friend, Steph! Trying to amp it up in preparation for indulging during our babymoon?! Give me all the Parisian chocolate croissants and pastries...for real.
After last week being FULL of rain, clouds, and only 1 day of sun, we couldn't help but walk lots this week (and take advantage of the January mid 60s temps!!!).
Maternity Clothes: Constantly mixing regular + maternity. I live in these tanks (2/$10 in store!) + leggings/maternity jeans + a cardigan. I have the tanks in four colors and wouldn't hate having a couple more. They're non-maternity but the length is crucial for the bump!
Symptoms: I think it has been there for more than a week now, but I totally have the faintest, faintest linea nigra on my belly. Arms falling asleep all throughout the night...particularly my right arm. And I've had some sharp round ligament pain in the middle of the night if I flail turn over in my sleep too quickly.
Cravings/Aversions: No
Missing Most: My family and best girlfriends, but that's always in general...not just because of pregnancy!
Nursery: I'm resisting the temptation to keep posting progress pictures. I want there to be an exciting end product. Plus, my mommy (AKA interior design mastermind) is coming down in a couple of weekends to help me get down to business. That girl can flip a room in minutes, I tell ya. I have a few little projects I'll be working on this week thanks to good old Hobby Lobby.
Other than nursery stuff, I worked really hard (read hours on hours) on our registry this past week. Oh! My "diaper bag" came in yesterday! I'm in love!!! I plan on putting a diaper bag insert in it.
Other than nursery stuff, I worked really hard (read hours on hours) on our registry this past week. Oh! My "diaper bag" came in yesterday! I'm in love!!! I plan on putting a diaper bag insert in it.
I must hang it here in Nancy's room so I don't use it yet. I'm obsessed. Reversible. Tote. Crossbody option. Check, check, check! (And it's $10 less and a liiittle smaller than the Free People version--I don't think I need those extra 3 inches in width!)
I also had a little (first world prob) conundrum about which PB Anywhere Chair to choose for our registry. I wanted to be 100% with my decision since I plan to take her monthly photos on this little get up! And the winner is...#3! Could I ever resist the faux fur?! :) (Thanks for all of your help and input on Instagram, sweet friends!)
Hubby: The first thing that pops into my mind is "has been on a smoothie kick this week." I've loved fixing him a big ol' smoothie every morning for breakfast in lieu of cereal or toast. I've started making enough for two...and our refrigerator is overflowing with fresh produce. It's awesome. Besides enjoying making his/our breakfast smoothies, I've loved watching my belly move with him and having him feel how strong her kicks, wiggles, and rolls are getting! And now that Nancy and I have "touched" through my tummy, I am looking forward to Nancy and her daddy experiencing that too!
Best Part of the Week: This weekend. It was an uneventful, uninterrupted, lovely, fulfilling weekend of just us--our little Houston family. It filled my homebody heart so!
Best Part of the Week: This weekend. It was an uneventful, uninterrupted, lovely, fulfilling weekend of just us--our little Houston family. It filled my homebody heart so!
Can't Wait For: Our Euro babymoon in 1 week! Can't wait to see my in-laws for a weekend in London and then head to PARIS for the first time. HOLY STINKIN' MOLY I'M EXCITED!!!
Be sure to pop over to Lena's blog -- January's champagne sponsor!
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