How Far Along: 26 weeks - which equals exactly 6 MONTHS PREGNANT since there are 52 weeks in a year. WHAAAT? 6 months pregnant?!?! EEEEE! :) :) :)
Size of Baby: A cute little butternut squash. At our ultrasound appointment on Thursday, we found out that she weighs 1lb 10oz!
Gender: Our little girl, Nancy Hope Houston!
Weight Gain: Welp, I found out at the doc's this week that I'm up (wait for it) 20 lbs. Woof. I have to own it and be honest: I really struggled with that number after finding out at the doc. It literally put a damper on the rest of my day--even if I simultaneously felt vain and ridiculous. My precious hubby was sweet and reassuring and said all of the right (and super sweet) things. Thank you, Lord, for Him!
Basically I'm fessing up to this because you know what I needed? A big slap in the face with reality, gratitude, and gratefulness. Because this gift of motherhood -- of creating a baby inside of my body -- it's the ultimate gift. It's the dream I've always wanted. It's a miracle. Not to mention, I'm sure there are thousands of women out there who would gladly gain a ton of pregnancy weight just to be pregnant. So newsflash from myself to myself: get over yourself. Embrace it. Be grateful.
And even more than that...throughout my "down day," I really heard the Holy Spirit telling me to stop and see myself the way God sees me. The slumpy fog I was in--over something as stupid as pregnancy weight--was a reaction of the flesh and not of the Spirit. Since realizing this Truth, each day has been filled with so much more peace. Daily I must die to myself, live in the Spirit, and remember to see myself the way God sees me.
(Sorry for the novel. It was obviously a big part of my week mentally. :))
Fun Fact: Baby's nostrils opened last week, and this week...her EYES OPEN! I read that she'll start kicking/moving a lot more in response to light.
Weight Gain: Welp, I found out at the doc's this week that I'm up (wait for it) 20 lbs. Woof. I have to own it and be honest: I really struggled with that number after finding out at the doc. It literally put a damper on the rest of my day--even if I simultaneously felt vain and ridiculous. My precious hubby was sweet and reassuring and said all of the right (and super sweet) things. Thank you, Lord, for Him!
Basically I'm fessing up to this because you know what I needed? A big slap in the face with reality, gratitude, and gratefulness. Because this gift of motherhood -- of creating a baby inside of my body -- it's the ultimate gift. It's the dream I've always wanted. It's a miracle. Not to mention, I'm sure there are thousands of women out there who would gladly gain a ton of pregnancy weight just to be pregnant. So newsflash from myself to myself: get over yourself. Embrace it. Be grateful.
And even more than that...throughout my "down day," I really heard the Holy Spirit telling me to stop and see myself the way God sees me. The slumpy fog I was in--over something as stupid as pregnancy weight--was a reaction of the flesh and not of the Spirit. Since realizing this Truth, each day has been filled with so much more peace. Daily I must die to myself, live in the Spirit, and remember to see myself the way God sees me.
(Sorry for the novel. It was obviously a big part of my week mentally. :))
Fun Fact: Baby's nostrils opened last week, and this week...her EYES OPEN! I read that she'll start kicking/moving a lot more in response to light.
Movement: The best, most precious feeling in the world. My love for her grows daily as I feel her kicking, punching, rolling, and wiggling inside of me. It's still so surreal in the most beautiful way.
Sleep: Still sleeping great and oh so thankful for that!
Workouts: Pure Barre x 4 -- Starting to modify a little more. And I can no longer touch my head to my knees in a double seat stretch. There's too much in the way. ;)
Symptoms: The usual arm asleep in the middle of the night. Itchy expanding tummy. I've been a little tired this week for no good reason and actually snuck in a power nap or two.
Cravings/Aversions: No
Missing Most: Currently Marky since he's away for work overnight. Hate being apart. Even if just for a night.
Nursery: We put together Nancy's crib on Sunday evening! It was really, really special. More on that next. :) I also was on a Home Goods streak. I bought a white quilt for the bed (seen below) (and, yes, white because white means bleachable!), a picture frame, a gold mirror, and two precious storage totes for toys, blankets, etc. that are canvas with gold handles.
Hubby: This counts for one of the best parts of the week too. Right after we put the crib together, we had a real, raw "we're having a baby" moment. We hugged in her room in silence for a long time. It was just...the best. A flood of joyful thoughts. (Helloooo, my love language is touch! And so is Mark's for that matter.)
Also Mark frequently follows his "I love yous" with "I'm excited about Nancy[pup]." I love how those two phrases come paired together more frequently than not.
Best Part of the Week: Hopey and Doxie being here for our ultrasound with the high risk specialist...and especially finally getting ALL of the images we needed and being told "I can't tell you that your baby is perfect, but I can tell you that everything looks perfect." Talk about a SIGH OF RELIEF. Can't even tell you. I thought I was cool, calm, and confident at that appointment, but my body proved to reveal what my mind refused to believe: I was totally nervous about that appointment. You know how I realized that? Oh, it came through the sweat onto the ultrasound chair. When they had me move and turn for better looks at our stubborn babe, I was totally stuck to the paper. Cute, right? And did I mention it was 17 degrees outside? And there I was...sweating. Ha! I also had a tearful moment in the car when we left because I felt so, so thankful, relieved, and glad everything is okay with our baby girl. Glory to God. Thank you, Jesus.
I can't mention our healthy baby girl without thanking y'all again for the love, support, encouragement, and prayers. I cannot say thank you enough. Prayers mean more to me than anything in the world ever could. Thank you, thank you, thank you (a million times more!).
Also Mark frequently follows his "I love yous" with "I'm excited about Nancy[pup]." I love how those two phrases come paired together more frequently than not.
Best Part of the Week: Hopey and Doxie being here for our ultrasound with the high risk specialist...and especially finally getting ALL of the images we needed and being told "I can't tell you that your baby is perfect, but I can tell you that everything looks perfect." Talk about a SIGH OF RELIEF. Can't even tell you. I thought I was cool, calm, and confident at that appointment, but my body proved to reveal what my mind refused to believe: I was totally nervous about that appointment. You know how I realized that? Oh, it came through the sweat onto the ultrasound chair. When they had me move and turn for better looks at our stubborn babe, I was totally stuck to the paper. Cute, right? And did I mention it was 17 degrees outside? And there I was...sweating. Ha! I also had a tearful moment in the car when we left because I felt so, so thankful, relieved, and glad everything is okay with our baby girl. Glory to God. Thank you, Jesus.
I can't mention our healthy baby girl without thanking y'all again for the love, support, encouragement, and prayers. I cannot say thank you enough. Prayers mean more to me than anything in the world ever could. Thank you, thank you, thank you (a million times more!).
Can't Wait For: Our upcoming babymoon. We're almost 2 weeks out!!! I cannot wait to see my in laws. I've been dying for some quality time with my mum-in-law since we found out we were pregnant. The time is almost here!!!! I know I've said it before, but I truly couldn't imagine going through the most exciting time in our life without sharing and making some memories with them. Debbie and Chris, your grandbaby girl can't wait to see (or hear, technically) y'all soon!!!!!

Be sure to pop over to Lena's blog -- January's champagne sponsor!
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