Size of Baby: An eggplant (!) -- around 8.5" and 1.5 lbs
Gender: Our little girl, Nancy Hope Houston!
Fun Fact: Baby can react to loud noises when she hears them in the womb...and I've seen this in action on Christmas Eve at church and in response to Doxie barks!
Fun Fact: Baby can react to loud noises when she hears them in the womb...and I've seen this in action on Christmas Eve at church and in response to Doxie barks!
Movement: Everyday. Love feeling her kicks and jabs. I wonder if she's still in the breech position/"standing" straight up because most kicks are so low, I can't help but think it's her dangling little feetsies!
In my mommy's old Christmas jammies! :)
Sleep: Battled a cold for most of the week which made breathing through my nose a little difficult, but that was it! Completely cold related and not pregnancy related. Though I do think my immune system is much lower being pregnant. I hardly ever got sick when teaching kindergarten!
Workouts: Oh gosh...Mom and I went to Hilliard Studio Method either 2 or 3 times this week. Don't even know how many times because on vacation all days run together, right?! Christmas festivities slack. To be expected and embraced. :)
Maternity Clothes: Yeah, maternity clothes are in full force now. And I'm loving them. My Papaw hadn't seen me in 3 weeks (since Thanksgiving) and let out an "Oh! Oh my gosh!" when I walked into the kitchen on Christmas Eve. Eeep!
Symptoms: Hands still falling asleep a lot during the night. I'm also having to be more careful about pushing myself too hard during workouts...I can tell that my body is definitely reacting differently to things like plank now. Eeep again!
Cravings/Aversions: Yeah, no need for cravings with so much Christmas food around :)
Missing Most: This is a bit vain, but my arms. I feel like I've lost a bit of tone, and I don't feel good about it. Meh.
Nursery: Nancy (ok....I) got a crib skirt form PB Kids for Christmas! I nearly missed out on this goodness as it's no longer available, but Mom and Hope surprised me and bought the floor model (and last one available in the southeast) just in the nick of time! They're the best little elves ever!!!! It's so gorgeous in person...the tulle, the sparkly gold...swoon! We'll go with a plain white sheet and a custom gold herringbone bumper from Carousel Designs. I can hardly wait for our mix and matched creation! Also...there is a crib in my car!!!!! Our sweet family friends, The Wyches, gave us their crib. We can't wait to set it up once we get back to Wilmy!
Christmas gifts -- Nancy's new mocs (BLESS THEM!!! I cried.) on top of her tulle crib skirt!
Hubby: Is being cute about my growing belly. He actually thinks it's cute (for now at least...!), which makes me feel good. Full paneled maternity pants make him laugh too. And he even used the word "cute" with them too after walking into the closet, seeing those comfy things pulled so high up around my belly, and laughing. Sigh. :) I am one very blessed wifey to call him mine!
Our growing family | Christmas 2014
Best Part of the Week: Savoring the holiday season with my family. I miss being around my family so much!
Can't Wait For: Another week (!!!) here in Charlotte.
How Far Along: 25 weeks
Size of Baby: A turnip? A napa cabbage? Odd comparisons this week. A little over 1.5 lbs and about 9" long!
Gender: Our little girl, Nancy Hope Houston!
Fun Fact: Baby's nostrils opened up this week! She will continue to practice breathing with amniotic fluid.
Fun Fact: Baby's nostrils opened up this week! She will continue to practice breathing with amniotic fluid.
Movement: In love with it. So thankful to feel her, to see her heart overflows. What to Expect tells me that these next 3 weeks will be her most active weeks in my pregnancy (before it starts to get a bit crowded in there), so I'm going to soak it all in.
Sleep: Slept great this week! Still not using my bump nest and still finding myself comfortable on my stomach. Relishing in this comfort for now!
Workouts: 4 Hilliard Studio Method (aka Pure Barre on steroids) workouts in Charlotte with mom this week. Going to miss HSMing with my mommy!!!!
Maternity Clothes: Living in them. Leggings, jeans, basics. And throwing on cute cardigans over it all! Mommy treated me to 3 maternity dresses thanks to Destination Maternity's buy two get one free sale on clearance items. That's how I roll.
Got this dress. It's heather gray (of course).
Aaaand we had fun giggling and playing with the faux bump! A peek into the future!?
Symptoms: Itchy tummy since it's growing, growing! Counteracting it with lots of moisturizer. Modifying my workouts more (especially staying higher in lunge positions) because it just feels weird and a bit strained in my lower abs if I try to do anything else. And those hands still falling asleep at night.
Cravings/Aversions: Nope
Missing Most: Leaving Charlotte was hard. Okay, really hard. I had a very tearful meltdown on our last night because I was just really, really sad to leave my family.
Nursery: The crib is in Nancy's nursery!!! just needs to be put together. :)
Hubby: Made me laugh this week when I came downstairs at to tell him goodnight. I had just put lots of lotion on my itchy, growing tummy. He gave me a hug and said, "Is that sweat?!" He was grossed out. I laughed and told him that it was lotion. He hardly believed me and touched my back just to make sure I wasn't unnecessarily sweating. Ha! Then I had him convinced.
Family couch time at Hope and Spyros' place. Amelia loves the bump. Best Part of the Week: Family time in Charlotte...
Bring it on, 2015!

Amelia met our goddaughter, Harper. Harper is the first newborn she has ever seen. Amelia was great! Wagged her tail and sniffed a bit. We were surprised and a little proud. :) I know the jealousy will kick in when we bring a baby of our own back to our house though...eek. But I do think we're in the safe zone for a least until Nancy is mobile!

Soaking in more [friends who are] family time on New Year's Day.
It was neat to feel Nancy kick while I held Harper. Those two are going to love each other so much!
Amelia met our goddaughter, Harper. Harper is the first newborn she has ever seen. Amelia was great! Wagged her tail and sniffed a bit. We were surprised and a little proud. :) I know the jealousy will kick in when we bring a baby of our own back to our house though...eek. But I do think we're in the safe zone for a least until Nancy is mobile!
Soaking in more [friends who are] family time on New Year's Day.
It was neat to feel Nancy kick while I held Harper. Those two are going to love each other so much!
Can't Wait For: Our ultrasound this Thursday. It's the one I've asked for which I've requested prayers. Since it's our 3rd anatomy ultrasound, we'll be with a high risk specialist. The doctor will be checking for Down Syndrome and Spina Bifida. We trust that everything is fine and healthy with sweet Nancy, but we will keep praying nonetheless! AND my sister is coming down for this event too. She has never seen an ultrasound before and is really excited. (And I'm super excited for her to be here!!!!!!!!)
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