Life is messy right now. I don't mean literally (although the mess certainly has spilled out and over literally). Relatives are sick and dying (literally). I have to decide what next step to take in a particularly painful relationship in my life (the most painful, in fact). (Also you know, God, please feel free to let me know what to do...anytime...anytime at all...) Work is crazy plus I happen to be an overachiever which, as you may know, is a recipe for disaster at times. There's more but let's just call it a hot mess right now. Pause for pretty blogger picture.
I am wondering and waiting on so many answers from God, trying to honor Him and rest in the waiting. Sometimes even that is messy–the waiting. Maybe I'm supposed to live in the mess and be okay with it? Who knows? I mean, Who knows. But He's the only one right now. Commercial break for pretty blogger picture.
I think sometimes as bloggers, we have this platform, and we write as if we have all the answers. And sometimes we do have answers and tutorials and recipes and opinions and experiences. But let me be honest. Sometimes we don't. And right now is one of those times. Sometimes being in process while blogging is one of the hardest things. But we must do it anyway. We've got to let the body see our mess because that is what the body is for–to pray for one another and encourage one another and to help one another fight the good fight. So that is what I am doing–showing you my mess and blogging while in process, while in the mess. But first let's take a macaroon selfie.
I went through a phase where this verse was everything to me. I think I need to go back to that place: "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 8:37-39). There is so much there to meditate on, so much to pray on. But today, I am remembering that because of Jesus I am not just a conqueror, I am more than a conqueror. And you are too. Are we living as conquerors? As more than conquerors? Even in the mess? I haven't been. I haven't been at all. But the beautiful part is His mercies are new every morning. This is what I am praying: that I would remember–in the mess–who I am in Jesus and that girl is more than a conqueror.
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