I am certain that I love chilli more than the average person.
I definitely love it more than my husband, for starters.
Don't get me wrong, he enjoys chili. But he doesn't want it 3-4 nights a week in the fall/winter like I do. Understandable...I know. ;)
So wanna know my go-to solo chili? I'm not a big chili-from-a-can person. We all know the best chili comes from a crock pot. BUT on those nights (like this past Sunday night during the Panthers game, for instance) that I'm the only crazy craving chilli...this is my jam.
Trader Joe's Organic Vegetarian Chili is where it's at! Trust me. I've tried all their other kinds too (beef, chicken, and turkey...none of which are organic anyway). This one is the best by a mile. The other ones are pretty bland, but this organic vegetarian kind is the only one that has a tangy kick to it. And at just over $2, it's a steal as well.
Oh, and you know how the TJ's employees always talk to you about this and that and what you're buying? I feel like every time I buy this chili, it's the item in my cart that they chat it up with me about. "Have you tried this yet? It's so good." I know, sweet TJ's friend. I know. And then we talk about how it's better than all the other chilis they have. Yep. This has happened to me at least four times in the past year. I love it.
Add some sour cream, cheese, avocado, chives...? Whatever floats your boat.
And enjoy! You just threw dinner together, and it was stupidly easy. :)
Chili obsessed like moi? Try my favorite chili recipes:
Cheers to the start of chili season!
Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored in any way. Just sharing one of my faves!

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