Monday, March 31, 2014

Put On Love

I'm in love with this new French Press Mornings print.
Side note: how cute would this printable be in a closet or on a vanity?! Seriously cute.

You know what makes me smile? This was the Scripture read at our wedding. :)

Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony. And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful.
Colossians 3:12-15

Put on love today.
Smile bigger.
Spread kindness.
Fight to be gentle rather than harsh.
Meditate on the fruits of the spirit.
But above all else: love.

P.S. Go enter the Pure Barre Pony Tee giveaway if you haven't already...and there just might be a fun, new workout top comin' your way! ;)

P.P.S. I have ONE more "coffee" sponsorship open for April! View the sponsorship tab for more info. Email me at cheersyall.elise {at} to claim it!

This Monday morning...put on love!

Pop on over to The Birdie Bowl to visit my sweet sponsor, Khala!

Friday, March 28, 2014

5 Reasons Why I LOVE Pure Barre + GIVEAWAY


Today I'm changing up my usual Five on Friday posts...because it's time for a Pure Barre takeover. Yep, today is all about my latest obsession, Pure Barre, so count this as Five on Friday: PB Edition.

"Just an inch." Pure Barre is all about small isometric muscle movements. No running, no burpees...just little movements that lengthen and define your muscles. Call me crazy, but I seriously appreciate wearing tennis shoes (or--let's be real--slippers in the morning) to class and taking them off to work out in my sticky socks.
Working out in socks > working out in tennis shoes.

@purebarrewilmington Instagram

Those small, seemingly friendly movements will make you shake. Like crazy. And if you're not shaking in some of the exercises, you know you should be working harder. Sometimes I'll come out of a "thigh sprint" and my legs feel so much like jello that I want to burst out laughing. It's okay...we "embrace the shake" because "shaking means muscles changing." (Side note: I never knew my gluteus maximus could participate in this shake fest. All by itself. Crazy.)

@purebarrewilmington Instagram
I'm about 5 weeks and 25 classes in from my first Pure Barre class here in Wilmington, and I can already see and feel results. On top of that, I am both stronger and more flexible than I was on day one too. Not gonna like...can't wait to keep fueling this addiction and join PB's 100 Club (for PBers who have completed 100 classes). I'm a quarter of the way there, y'all.

My inner-Type A appreciates that I know the flow of class everyday: warm up, arms, thighs, seat, abs, cool down. Everyday. The beauty of that is you cannot predict the specific exercises you will conquer each class. The instructors change them up daily so you don't know what's coming. :) It's the perfect mix of predictability and changing it up.

@purebarrewilmington Instagram
GET PUMPED [with music] + ENCOURAGED [with words]
No shame: when I'm feeling tired but then some Britney Spears starts playing through the speakers...yep, I am pumped to channel my inner BritBrit. But seriously, even if Britney isn't your jam, PB is always set to awesome music. I don't mind hearing Adam Levine in the background while I'm working it at the barre.

And I cannot let this post go by without mentioning the encouragment. I am not one of those girls who gets motivated by people yelling at me. Nope. I'm like, you're grumpy and mean...I'm moving on. So much of Pure Barre is mental, and I love hearing encouragement during each 55 minute workout. "You're stronger than you think you are!" "Tell yourself you're not coming out of it." "Embrace the shake." "Shaking means muscles changing." "Just an inch!" Love it all. PB Wilmington's Instagram is ever so encouraging and motivating in itself! :)

@purebarrewilmington Instagram
PB Wilmington has a Pure Pup too. I mean, how could being greeted by a sweet pup not encourage your spirit!? :)

Okay, now that you have the low-down on my addiction, it's time for a giveaway. This one is for ALL you PB lovers (near and far) or for you PB newbies (like me a few weeks ago!) who are ready to fall in love with this awesome workout. Whether you're PB expert or you haven't tried it yet, who doesn't love a fun workout top!?

The lovely ladies (and sisters!) of PB Wilmington are giving away one PB Pony Tee. (How cute is the back?!) Even if you're not local, you can still enter and have this new and trendy top shipped right to ya! Woopwoop!

Cheers to Pure Barre!
...especially to Pure Barre Wilmington. But I'm biased. :)

...And cheers to the ladies of this 5 on Friday link-up: Darci, April, Christina, and Natasha!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

In The Word: Promises

Hello lovelies!

Transparent moment here: amidst my month of early mornings and more time in my day, guess what still managed to get pushed aside? This study.

Yep. I'm sorry to say that it happened, but it happened. But this is also a good reality check illustrating that when my to do list grows, time in the Word is what gets nudged out from my day. Sad. I don't like to glorify busy...because truthfully I don't like being super busy. But I do know this: if you're too busy for God, you're too busy. Noted. Time to make a change.

Thankful for grace. Thankful that He knows my heart. Thankful forgiveness. Life happens. And we all need grace.

Source // John 1:16
Please link up if you read the series! It would be such a joy to me to hear your heart on this study!

Pop on over to The Birdie Bowl to visit my sweet sponsor, Khala!

Kind Words Are Like Honey

Source // Proverbs 16:24
Oh, how your words have been an outpouring of love this past week. Between "My life might look a little weird to you...," "Love People [Where They Are]," and "The Story of Our First Home" my heart is overwhelmed with gratitude.

Thank you for your love, excitement, support, and especially for sharing your heart and stories regarding each of these posts! I am so encouraged and inspired by your words and insights.

And about our head is already spinning with before and after, decor, and DIY posts. This is going to be one fun adventure, and I cannot wait to share it with y'all!

P.S. We'll link up tomorrow for this month's In the Word study!

P.P.S. I have ONE "coffee" sponsorship left open for April. View the sponsorship tab for more info and email me to claim it! :) [cheersyall.elise {at}]


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Story of Our First Home

On January 6 of this year, I wrote about my season of surrender. It was time for me to relinquish control and embrace life without a timeline. When we surrender, we give God control. We trust that His ways are always good (and better than our ways).

I did not expect this next season of our lives to come so soon. But don't you just love it when God shows up and shows off!? That's what he did for us with the story of our first home.

We are thrilled (surprised and bewildered) to announce that Mark and I will become homeowners on April 3, 2014! 

I want to be intentional about recording how this happened...because I want to look back at this in years to come to rejoice in God's faithfulness, His leading, and His perfect timing. This is our first time home-buying story. It's an unreal and unusual one for sure. I have been keeping it under wraps for what feels like so long (and super hard for an open book like myself), so I am over the moon to finally share it!

[Scroll if you prefer The Abridged Version...seriously :)]


Thursday, February 27, 2014
Mark was out of town in Chicago for work. I was home alone...looking at houses online while I couldn't fall asleep. My frequent visits to (up until this point) never really meant we were seriously looking at houses. I inherited the looking-at-houses-online-is-fun hobby from my mom. It's like scrolling through Pinterest to me. (Thanks for that, Mama.)

I saw a house in our dream neighborhood that seemed attainable for us in price. And that just didn't make sense because our dream neighborhood here in Wilmington was just that to us...a dream. Not reality.

I picked up Mark from the airport around midnight that night/early Friday morning and showed him the online listing when we got home. We never thought that we could remotlely afford a house in this dream neighborhood of ours anytime soon [or ever?!]. When I asked Mark if I should text a realtor friend of ours (the dad of the kiddos I nanny for!) about the listing in the morning, Mark was quick to say, "Why not? We could at least go look at it."

Friday, February 28, 2014
I texted Matt (now our realtor!) that morning and asked him if the house was worth looking at or if it was priced that low for a reason. I was totally ready for him to affirm a bad, deal-breaker reason for the unusually low list price. Let's just say that later that afternoon, we had a viewing scheduled. Eeee! Everything was happening so fast yet so perfectly.

Our first look at our soon to be first home.
I'm sure Marky will have a miniature garden growing back here shortly.
Mark and I are decisive by nature. We looked around the house, and before we left, we told Matt that we wanted to put in an official offer. By that evening, our paperwork was complete. Signing all 25+ of those pages was a new level of "Whoa. This is what it feels like to be a grown up."

Before delivering our offer paperwork circa 10:30PM. Mark was so excited to document this grown-up moment in our life. ;)
Saturday, March 1, 2014
We got a text from Matt that our offer was in. He spoke to the other realtor, and we were set to hear something later in the day or tomorrow at the latest.

I left for Raleigh a little later for a bridal shower, calling some of my besties on the road to tell them what had just happened (so quickly and unexpectedly!). After the shower was over, I looked at my phone and saw some texts from Mark. They countered. We accepted. We were verbally under contract! (And go, hubby, go being our manly leader and pulling the trigger for us!!!)

As I got home from Raleigh later that evening, we filled out the paperwork for our new purchase price and rushed it over so we could be officially under contract. There were 3 other showings that day, so beating the clock made me a little wary...but, at the same time, I knew this was all God's doing. I trusted His timing and the way he was orchestrating this crazy adventure for us.

At 11:11 PM (Only noted because it was 11:11! Don't say you haven't made a wish and kissed the clock.), Matt texted Mark and I with the news that the other realtor received our paperwork, and the house was now officially pending...MLS status changed...officially under contract! WOOOOHOO!

The Abridged Version
In 36 hours we:
 inquired about one home in Wilmington, 
had a viewing, 
put in an offer, 
and went under contract.
How does that happen so quickly and flawlessly?! And easily?
And with a this-doesn't-even-make-sense price for our dream neighborhood?
Thank you, Lord. This one is all about You.
Thank you for showing up and showing off. :)
We are so excited to grow our roots deeper into this wonderful town.
 (...And with the ocean 2 miles away.)

Source // Ephesians 3:20

Cheers to our first home...glory to God!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Love People [Where They Are]

Amen to that!
My life might look a little weird to you, and that's okay with me came straight from my heart, and BOY were y'all some precious encouragers. (Thank you for that...your words inspire me.) But that post got me thinking about my life before Jesus changed me from the inside out.

You know who influenced me the most (aside from the Holy Spirit)? The people who loved me right where I was. When I was lonely, upset, and [truthfully] living a pretty hypocritical life...they didn't harshly condemn me or make me feel like a horrible human. They spoke Truth with love...and their words were wholehearted because they invested their time in me. They loved me right where I was. And that eventually got through to me. Praise Jesus!

So here's the thing: if you are walking with Jesus, your life will look different to our culture. Just don't stop loving people right where they are. 

Have a godly community of folks who keep you accountable and who pray for you and love you dearly. But be in the world too. Shine His light. Love hard.

The way you love the lost might just ignite that spark...
I know it did for me.


 Happy Monday!

Friday, March 21, 2014

5 on Friday

Cheers to the lovely linkup creators: Darci, April, Christina, and Natasha!

Well, just over 2 months. But still!! The final countdown is ON for my sissy's wedding!!!!

Source: Rebecca Rose Events
How beautiful is this picture?! My parents and aunts got married here, I was christened and confirmed here, I got married here, and soon it's Hopey's turn!

Thank you, Becca, for snapping such a beautiful pic of a place that is so special to our family! [Read more about Becca on Hope's blog or visit Rebecca Rose Events! We love her!!!]

While my mama and brother are on spring break, I have the priviledge of watching our family dogs. So, yes, there are more dogs than people in my house right now. And as dog people...we are loving it.

This week Mark and I live with Amelia (our baby), Sophie (the whippet), and Lilly (the "Maltese" that's not just a Maltese...even though her papers say so). Yes, I've only grown up with girl dogs. Yes, we give our dogs human names that we like. :)

Found this ecard on Pinterest. It epitomizes my first year of marriage when I taught kindergarten...the most sensory overloaded job I've ever loved.

A friend of mine put it best during my first year of teaching in 2009. "Teaching kindergarten is like coming home everyday Disney tired. Like you've just spent the day at Disney World. Every day." Love it so much. Amen.

I've been thinking about these ever since I saw this picture on Instagram. And they're $12! I might have to cave and go pick some up this weekend...! Beach boutiques [that love Jesus!] are the best.

Source: @shophallelu on Instagram // Purchase online at Hallelu

This is the icing on the cake of my Friday 5 today. :)


HAPPY weekend! :)

Pop on over to The Birdie Bowl to visit my sweet sponsor, Khala!