I have changed a lot in the past 5 years. I've heard it said that your 20s is the decade with the most change, and I definitely believe that (even with 3ish more years to go!).
To the glory of God, over the past 5 years my heart has grown more and more in love with the Lord than ever. In prior years, I was a Believer (I always remember seeking the Lord--even as a little girl!), but in many ways I was lost.
I particularly think about my time in college, and it still bewilders me to read the pages upon pages of prayer and Scripture in my journals while simultaneously thinking about how frequently I went out and got drunk, to point out one example. Or how I ran away from God in a lot of ways when my dad moved out for the first time (and back in, and back out, and back in, and back out... until my parents got separated and divorced). I was absolutely devastated. Looking back, I even wonder if I was depressed during some of that time. Whatever I was going through...I was completely and utterly heartbroken, fragile, and lost.
All that to say: God changes us. Slowly. From the inside out. He has done that to me in so many ways and in so many areas in my life. And you know what? That's why I am okay with who I am.
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I realize a lot of people might not understand many of the choices I make for myself and for my family. Or perhaps they don't understand the parts of me I've left behind and the parts of me that I've become. Maybe it's my beliefs on this or that topic. Maybe it's my view on the covenant of marriage. Maybe it's how I hear a song on the radio and immediately change the station. Or how I don't feel comfortable around a lot of cursing. I could make a long list of things that might look a little "weird" (or "goody two-shoes"...that's a common one too) in the eyes of society.
And can I tell you something? A little secret of mine? Being "weird/different" in the eyes of the world is okay with me. Scratch that. It's more than okay with me. I embrace it. I love it because I know that it comes from Christ. And--to take it even further--sometimes, when my decisions don't mesh with the world's expectations, well, sometimes that confirms and affirms that who I am is driven by Christ.
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That--that Scripture above--it's the Scripture that fuels me. If my life fits into the wide gate...if it looks like what everyone else is doing...well, then I'm missing something. In a very dangerous way. So I want to be different. I want my life to look different. I want others to see Jesus in the way I live, love, speak, and act. I want to shine for Him and reflect His grace and goodness.
So that's that. A slice of my heart.
My sister's post (Life Lately) inspired me to finally write these words. They have been stirring within me for a while. I know I don't do everything perfectly (far from it!)--I am a sinner in need of a Savior. In need of His grace! But I hope this post encourages you to care a little less about what everyone else thinks, and care a little more about what Jesus thinks.
Be comfortable with being "weird/old-fashioned/lame/prude/etc." Because if being "weird" means you're living for Jesus, love it. Love it with all your heart.
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Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending
Your glory goes beyond all fame
And the cry of my heart is to bring You praise
From the inside out"
Be who you are. Know Whose you are.
All to the glory of God! AMEN!
Pop on over to The Birdie Bowl to visit my sweet sponsor, Khala!
I shudder when I think what's considered "normal" today. Follow that narrow path, my friend! The blessing of our 20s is that every year we look back and say "I may not be where I want to be, but THANK GOD I ain't where I used to be!" I don't know if any other decade will do the same. (And honestly, I can't wait for my thirties so I can find out!)
ReplyDeleteI just love this post so so much!!!! We need more people like you in this world...everyone tries so hard to be something they are not, instead of embracing who they are!
Amen! Walking in Who God has made & is making me hasn't always been easy. In fact at times it can be lonely when I look around & realize that my choices/desires/actions in wholeheartedly following Him has meant losing some of the "friendships" I had before. But how VERY faithful He is to fiercely love me through those lonely moments & bless me with some precious, like minded friendships. Yes, you can call me weird any day...for His glory!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad I'm not normal. I tried to fit in a bit in my early 20s, but my faith held me strong in the later years.
ReplyDeleteGreat post! :)
Love this. I definitely agree the 20s are the most changing. I'm not even half way through yet and it's been a whirlwind and continues to be. I work for the church with kids and youth but I'm currently feeling disconnected. I know we all go through those times but it's happening for me right now. This post definitely was motivation to keep on God's path and not my own. Just because I'm "ok" with something doesn't mean God is, and more than that, I should continue to live up to God's expectations of me and not the worlds. Thanks for posting! :)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful post!
ReplyDeleteThis is so much truth and goodness, friend. As Christians, our lives SHOULD be countercultural. In our world, what is "normal" and "right" is NOT what is edifying and glorifying God, so naturally, the way we live our life to Glorify Him is different. Thats a good thing! I love your heart!
ReplyDeleteHow grace-filled is this post!!! So awesome! My eyes filled with tears reading it. God is so good to walk with us through everything, even if we may not be seeking Him. He is such a good Daddy God!
Elise, I loved this. I find it amazing how God keeps putting other followers into my life. You are an encouragement to me and I hope I can do the same for you.
ReplyDeleteI'm right there with you, sweet girl. Looking back at some of the things I did in college definitely makes me wonder where my head (and heart) was at. Thankful that God has a better hold of my heart and life now! And I agree - if loving Jesus makes me different to many, then so be it. My relationship with my Savior is much more important to me than conforming to the ways of this sinful world!:) Great post, Elise! I admire your heart for Christ so much. You inspire me to be more open about my salvation!!!
ReplyDeleteAmen sister. I look back at some of my teen days and cringe, but I'm so thankful for God's grace and for the beautiful friendships I've made, who led me to where I am now with my relationship with the Lord. He changes us, and it's amazing. It's definitely sad what people think is "normal" this days. I'll take being "weird" over that any day!
ReplyDeleteThis topic has been weighing heavy on my heart lately. Thank you for sharing your choice and these beautiful words. So inspiring. I'm finally becoming ok with being "weird!"
ReplyDeleteThis post is so beautiful!! It can be so frustrating when the world at large doesn't understand the way we think and act, but it really is a reflection of who we belong to. Thanks for the reminder!
ReplyDeleteYou are SUCH a blessing sweet friend!
ReplyDeleteThis post resonates with me so much-you have no idea! I've definitely gone through a lot of change as a person post college and a lot of that has to do with truly falling in love with Jesus and striving daily to follow his plan for my life. I struggle with trying to always be who God created me to be and not worry to much about what others think. I know this will be a ongoing battle for me...but it is a battle I'm worth fighting. Thanks for sharing your heart!
ReplyDeleteLove reading this! Blessed to know you, Elise!
Love love love this. I was definitely "lost" as well during college and getting married this past summer has really made me reflect on the type of person I want to be.. for myself, for my husband, for my family, for my future children. It doesn't quite mesh with how some of my friends are living their life so that is something I've been struggling with lately. Ahh, the 20's!
ReplyDeleteLove this post!!! I couldn't agree with you any more girl! I have always been a believer too, but my journey to gain my relationship of closeness back with the Lord has radically transformed my life over the past year or so. It's incredible!!! If hurting people only knew how amazing grace is. Love you!! Thankful for you using your blog to glorify him!
ReplyDeleteMy first experience with totally being considered "weird" and being called such names was in beauty school. I've lived abroad, and yet I think the biggest culture shock of my life was in beauty school where I found my heart was broken by how much bitterness and distaste for anything relating to God and His Word. I hope that in the midst of all that, in the midst of the teaching and in the midst of people who could not understand why I made the choices that I did--I hope that I did manage to plant some seeds of the idea that it's worth it to live a life different from the rest of the world. I truly hope that.
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, how much I adore this post! You are truly one of the kindest and most loving women I know and I love that about you! I love that you are so unabashedly yourself and it's something that so many people, myself included, could learn from. Keep doing what you're doing, love. xoxo
ReplyDeleteWay to be open and honest. I do feel you! My husband and I are not exactly into fitting in with society. I mean we have no tv and go to bed at 8pm. For us we have things we want to do with our lives. Which does not include spending half our life watching tv. Thank you so much for reminding me sometimes we have to be different to give God the glory and that is ok!
ReplyDeleteGosh just when I think I couldn't possibly adore you heart anymore than I already do, you go and write a post like this. LOVE doesn't even describe my feelings for this post. I'm speechless. I adore you and your heart and your wisdom. I connected with so much of this and it's a great reminder that I do not need to conform to this world. I am who I am because of my past and my experiences and my choices. And I love me! Just love you sweet girl!
ReplyDeletefrom one degree of glory to another, girlfriend. :)
ReplyDeleteI love this - it's absolutely beautiful! I love it when the Lord catches people's hearts!!! :-)
ReplyDeleteAmen, sweet sister! We sure are running a race that requires endurance aren't we :)
ReplyDeleteAMEN girl! You are a sweet inspiration and I love reading your posts... especially open and honest ones like this. I have always been a little "weird" according to the world but it has been totally worth it to live the life Christ has planned for me! And now, looking back, I can see where He was at work and I hold onto his promises for my future, too. Thanks for being such a great light in the blogosphere. :)
ReplyDeletexo Always, Abby
Elise, you have such a unique, beautiful heart and that is what makes you so incredible! You are such an inspiration to the blogging community with you boldness for Christ!! So neat to hear how God is moving in your life! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteI love this!!! I am so glad there are people in the world like you!!!
ReplyDeleteI so agree! And I wish more people would realize that you can't live life both ways. You can't partake in the things of this world (wide gate) and also think you are always saved. You have to live your life the way Christ wants you to (by His Word) and not the way you think you should. Revelation 3:16
ReplyDeleteI love this!! In my church, a leader once said that we are a "peculiar people," meaning that what we believe is often very different from what the world is saying is "normal." And I like it that way :) Who needs to fit in with the world when you could fit in with Jesus instead? :)
ReplyDeleteI love how often you share your faith! It makes me happy to see the good in the world :)
Amen, amen, amen! Almost every word of this post resonates with me - what a blessing it is to hear others write about & publicly profess their faith, too!! One of my all-time favorite verses is from Romans 12:12 (your first image)!
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely love this post. So encouraging. So inspiring. So real. So beautiful. Thank you for sharing this. I'm so thankful I stumbled upon your blog and started following it. Thank you for sharing your convictions. -hugs
Love your honesty and I am so proud of you!! You are doing God's work... Glorifying Hm in all you are and all you do! You inspire me!! I love you!! Mommy
ReplyDeleteWOW. This post. So much goodness I can't even stand it!! I seriously love your heart and soooo similar to what I've been feeling lately. It's like you're in my head! I was so similar to you in high school/early college...believed but didn't fully grasp all of it. And sure enough, God changed my heart. Growing closer to Him has been amazing. I KNOW He definitely led me to your blog some time ago too ;) xx sweet friend!!!!
ReplyDeleteWOW. This post. So much goodness I can't even stand it!! I seriously love your heart and soooo similar to what I've been feeling lately. It's like you're in my head! I was so similar to you in high school/early college...believed but didn't fully grasp all of it. And sure enough, God changed my heart. Growing closer to Him has been amazing. I KNOW He definitely led me to your blog some time ago too ;) xx sweet friend!!!!
ReplyDeleteI love this and I love you. I'm going through these exact motions and I'm thankful to have you to look up to along the way. Love you sissy.
ReplyDeleteI think you are lovely and wonderful just the way you are! Beautiful post.
ReplyDeleteI like weird. And I like you. Which must mean I like weirdo Elise! =)
ReplyDeletePraise God that He molds us and shapes us, giving us desires that please Him, all to His glory!! ... I just love you to pieces, sweets!! I praise God that in this great big blogosphere I've gotten to know sweet Elise, a dear bloggy friend and more importantly a sister in Christ! *BIG HUGS!*
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely agree sweet one! :)
ReplyDeleteAMEN! The things of this world are not spirit-breathed and why would we want anything else? I just love your post and your sweet words. You are always so encouraging and it seems to always be exactly what I need to hear. You're such an inspiration and I'm so thankful to be blogging friends with you! Keep sharing His word, my sweet friend!
ReplyDeleteAmen Elise! What beautiful words poured from your heart! It is so easy for each of us to day to feel that we must conform to what society says is "normal". But it is those of us who stand firm in our faith that can help be the light of Jesus on earth. Thank you again for always being such a positive role model to me :-)
ReplyDeleteLOVE LOVE LOVE. Yes to everything - we are called to be set apart. SO thankful for your heart dear! And that Hillsong song is one of my favorites :)
ReplyDeleteDifferent for Jesus is GOOD! The world will never understand why we live differently because they don't understand God's law. It's ok. It's in the Bible. But it makes it hard some days. I cling to Romans 12:1-2 also. :)