Sunday, December 1, 2013

before the blog: christmas card 2012

Hi sweet friends! Oh, how I've missed y'all! I have been pretty disconnected from the blog world for the past almost-week. Though soaking in the family time has been an absolute joy and blessing...I've missed y'all! So I'm back with a little something up my sleeve...

Every once in a while, I want to fill y'all in on life before the blog. :)

Let's start simply (and merrily) with our Christmas card from last year! ...Because don't you remember that Christmas cards are one of my moooossstttt faaavvooorrriiittteee parts of Christmas?!?

Without further ado, Merry Christmas (AND HAPPY DECEMBER!) from the Houstons [last year].

Created on Zazzle
Created on Zazzle

I still adore it. And I love that TinyTina puprise (no, that's not a spelling error ;)) on the back!

Two traditions I have with Christmas cards...
1. I make our own. From "scratch!" Even growing up, I loved the task of creating the family card.
2. Frame them! And display them at Christmastime year after year (got this one from my mama!).

Do y'all have any Christmas card traditions?! Fill me in! 

And don't forget to link up with us Tuesday for the FINAL installment in our linkup series...! EEEEE! I can hardly wait!!! <$100 gifts for anyone! Everything you need to know is here

Happy December! Merry Christmas!!
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  1. Soooo adorable! You are seriously all kinds of cuteness! I love the idea of keeping a Christmas card and framing it!

  2. Loooove your card! I got married on August 11, 2012 too! I loved our first 'married' christmas card, it is a really good idea to frame it! hmmm, I gotta check to see if I have a copy!

  3. Love your card! I am hoping to send ours out next week! :)

  4. I love it!! It's such a gorgeous picture and the chevron is perfect!! I'm super excited to send ours out soon... but the question is... when do we send them?? :)

    1. In my book...anytime Dec 1 or after is game! I'm sending ours out tomorrow!!! :)

  5. I never thought to frame a Christmas card before..such an awesome idea! I still have to order mine! I guess I better get on that, huh?!

  6. That card is so cute! I got married this year and I keep thinking we have such good picture choices for a card but I don't think we'll get around to it in time, but now I'm feeling like we need to do it, haha :)

  7. Love the card!! And I ALWAYS have to have my puppy on our card too! He is my first baby!

  8. That is such a cute card! I love it!

  9. so cute!!! I love Tina on the back!!

  10. Oh my goodness...SO precious! We can't wait to start having legitimate holiday cards, and we're still going festive with all our announcements in January because we're cheesy like that ;)

  11. Such a great card!!! This is my first year doing a holiday card - and i'm so excited to start the tradition!! Now that we're married I feel like it makes sense to have a card haha!! Can't wait to see what yours looks like this year!! I'm addressing ours this week :)

    1. YAY! I'm mailing ours out today and I can't wait!!! Excited for y'all's cards too!! xx

  12. Very cute card! My dad's birthday is 8/11. I'm a little further behind than I had hoped with my Christmas cards this year hopefully I can have them ordered by the end of this week.

  13. You looked beautiful (no surprise!) at your wedding!! Love the card. Ours should be arriving any day now...I'm in love with our card this year. :)

  14. Such a beautiful card!! I recently heard about the tradition of framing your cards from each year and think it is such a good idea...I will have to start doing that too!

  15. Love your card and the pup on the back is too precious!

  16. Ahahaha! "Puprise!" That made my day, love. Adorable card!

  17. Love that card!! My family doesn't go Christmas cards at least with our picture but I plan in doing so with my own little future family.

  18. That card is adorable! I used Zazzle last year and loved them! You were a gorgeous bride sweets! Hope you've been enjoying some down time and got the blog problems figured out!

  19. Genius!! Thank you for sharing the idea on framing pasts Christmas Cards. Going to do it this year! Have a great week!

  20. Same here! I was on vacation the 20th until today and I didn’t even touch a computer! I’m playing catch-up today!! Love that wedding picture. You both look so happy! Just beautiful!
