Wednesday, December 4, 2013

on kindness (and crohn's)


This topic stirs in my heart all the time. As many of you know, my sister has [a severe case of] Crohn's Disease. (I can add that little "severe case of" bit since I'm her sister. She wouldn't be the one to tell you that or to complain about it.)

I won't make this long, but let this be a reminder to share kindness.
Give grace.
Be like Jesus.
You never know what battle someone is fighting...even when his/her life looks picture perfect from your point of view.

Hope is the perfect example of this. She is beautiful, exudes happiness, engaged to an amazing guy, lives in NYC, and works for a beauty & cosmetic company. Life just couldn't be better, could it?!

But you can't see it all. You don't know what's going on medically inside of her body. All the time. Just yesterday she had yet another outpatient procedure done. And, guess what, you probably won't realize that through the future, her body is still healing and recovering from the 2 surgeries she had one year ago...even if you can't see it from her stunning, bubbly, happy-go-lucky, and joke-cracking exterior.

I'll let Hope's words finish the rest of this post. I love you, sissy!!!!!

This week is Crohn's and Colitis Awareness week...something that is near and dear to my heart. I decided to read through all of the Facebook updates re: my surgeries from last year...when I read the below my heart was overwhelmed. Little did I know all that life was about to bring me when I wrote that this week more than ever I will no doubt take a second to think about all of the other hundreds of thousands of Americans who are suffering from Crohn's just like me. I will pray for them, for their strength, for their healing, and for the wonderful doctors/researchers/etc. to get one step closer to finding a cure. Thankful for where I am today and as always am continuing to pray for longterm healing, not just for me--but for all of "us." 
 [Her Facebook update from just over 1 year ago:]
My dear, sweet, amazing friends thank you so much for your love, support, prayers, and positive vibes! The doctors made a 6" incision to remove 1.5 feet of my intestine, my appendix, and a small portion of my colon.. today i have walked around the hospital floor but am very sore (and slow!) but i am determined to have a safe & speedy recovery. y'alls love has meant so much to me...I am so thankful to have people like you surrounding me!


If you want to read more about Hope's story, you can find the posts here and here

This week, this season, and always...let's remember kindness. 

"Always be a little kinder than necessary..."

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  1. Such an important reminder. SO many people judge and make fun or criticize others that they know NOTHING about! It's really sad.

    Sending hugs to your sissy!

  2. This post is AMAZING. I wish more people would realize that passing judgement before you walk in someones shoes is not a good way to live your life. I recently have started going back to church and my outlook on life is so much different lately. It hurts me that people especially other women & mothers knock each other down so quickly instead of building each other up

    I recently have pulled myself away from some people because I don't like that they talk about people behind their backs...if they do it about other people 95% chance they are talking about me when I am not around! I am a grown woman I don't need high school bs in my is too short to deal w. drama and other stupid things

    thank you for this small reminder friend. I feel blessed to know you. Your sister is in my prayers daily!!!


  3. This is a fantastic reminder and oh so true. Prayers for your sister and all the amazing people researching this disease to help make life easier for people living with Crohn's and for a cure.

  4. Thank you for this sweet reminder. She is so lucky to have you as a sister! I'll be praying for her continuous recovery. Her hopeful personality is infectious I tell ya! Xoxo

  5. This is such a sweet reminder and a testament to your sister. You're amazing, doll, as is your sister, and I'll keep praying tons! xo

  6. This is such a great reminder that we never know what battles people are fighting without even knowing it! I love the message to be kinder! Hugs!

  7. I love this. Thanks so much for sharing. I think the quote at the beginning is a beautiful reminder of how to live everyday.

  8. You're so right! Everyone is fighting their own battle, and being a extra kind goes a long LONG way ;)

  9. Oh my goodness, Elise. What a strong lady your sister is! My heart goes out to her- I've also had two surgeries where they removed the same exact parts {we may have matching scars}. Tell her to stay strong! Thinking of her xo

    1. She and YOU are the strong ladies, it sounds like!!! I bet y'all do have matching scars!!! Wow. What an encouragement to know's not everyday you see/meet young women who have been through something like that so young. I will tell her for sure!!! Hugging you!!!! xx

    2. Please do! If she ever needs someone (who totally gets what she's going through) to chat with, she's always welcome to email me! And you're right- you don't find others often who have gone through similar things! Tell her to stay strong! xoxoxo

    3. I definitely will!!!! You are the BEST and sweetest!!!! xx

  10. Such a great reminder! I needed this!

  11. In prayer for your sister. I never knew the extent of that disease until I worked on a general surgical floor at a local hospital and all our cases were G.I. and color related. I would say 80% of our patients were Crohn's. It is a horrific disease and my heart bleeds for those who must endure it. xx Brownie

  12. Your sister has the right attitude. My mother suffers from Crohn's, and I have seen first hand how painful it can be. You are 100% correct when you say that even though a person looks fine and seems to have a perfect life, they could have battles that no one else can see. Continued prayers for your sister and for awareness.

  13. Thank you so much for sharing this. My family and I are currently dealing with a very ill family member and she has helped to remind me how we should live life, how to be strong, and how to keep hope. I am truly in awe of your sister and people like her who fight these battles on the daily basis. She and your family are in my prayers.

  14. Such a touching post! Thank you for sharing!

  15. LOVE this! You are so precious friend!

  16. Thank you so much for sharing this. And for your sister sharing it. I too have a condition that no one can see. And right now my aunt is suffering from stage 4 cancer. It has made me HYPER aware of kindness as well. I wrote about it a few weeks ago actually because you never know what someone is going through. You never know. I love how you ended things: always be kinder than necessary. Thanks for this.

    1. You are amazing! Thanks for sharing girl. I am so encouraged hearing others' stories. I know you know exactly what I mean with the kindness thing :)
      Hugging you! xx

  17. Such a good reminder! Thank you for that!! I know a few people who live with Crohn's & it is such a terrible disease. It's wonderful to here that your sister is doing well (for the most part).

  18. poor sister! she sounds like such a positive, awesome lady!

  19. this is SUCH a lovely post, Elise - you are a great witness! :) :)

  20. What an awesome spirit your sister has. You are her rock, too, I can tell!

  21. Your sister is so strong and has a great attitude. What a positive influence she is, and you are a great sister!

  22. This is such a great and true post. I hope your sister gets to feeling better soon - what a great sister you are!

  23. Nothing quite like a bond between sisters is there? Praying that your sister is feeling better soon! And her name sounds like the perfect fit to her. :)

  24. This is the SWEETEST post! Your sister is certainly blessed to have you! Thanks for the reminder- words to live by :)
