Friday, November 1, 2013

5 on Friday!


Cheers to the lovely lady creators of this 5 on Friday link-up (hiii Darci, April, Christina, and Natasha!)!!

In my house, that means it's time for Christmas music and Christmas decorations!!!!!!!!! Yes, I am one of those people. No, I will not change. It's my favorite time of year, and I like to make it last for as long as possible. :)

 If your concern is, "Elise, you're going to get sick of that music before Christmastime is really here!"
 Though I understand and appreciate your concern, dear friend,
I have been listening to this same Christmas album since middle school. 
...And I haven't gotten the slightest bit sick of it yet!
(I might've already jammed to a few of these tunes last week. Justin Timberlake forever.)

RED CUPS (not the solo kind.)
You aren't with me on the Christmas thing just yet? That's fine. Because guess who is...? STARBUCKS.

Bam. Gingerbread syrup in my coffee? Yes, please!
I discovered this little gem on Tuesday. 

Speaking of the Christmas joy above...well, the decorations at my house are actually going to have to wait a few days. (Though the red cups and music will be enjoyed all weekend!) We're heading back to the Queen City for my little sister's engagement party. I couldn't be more excited!!! Thinking about her engagement party all week long had me happily reminiscing about our engagement party in March of 2012.

Our royal portrait. Because all Englishmen are princes, right?

We tend to keep things on the serious side at our house... :)

Okay, okay. Despite the Christmas overload...I still have one more pumpkin recipe to share with you next week. Pumpkin in a main meal (not just coffee/baked goods) has been a new favorite of mine this season!

Recipe on the blog next week!!

Completely unrelated...I'm currently obsessed with this song. I've probably listened to it at least 20+ times (that includes belting it at the top of my lungs) in the past 24 hours. It's my newest happy song. (I love me some Katy Perry. And I not-so-secretly hope that this song is about John Mayer, who I also love.)

Her pipes are amazing. Love this jam.

Wanna keep up with us this weekend?! Follow along! I'm sure all insta-overload because that's what MOHs do. Sista's engagement par-tay, here we come!!!!  Woopwoop!

Keep in touch, dolls!!
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  1. We are currently living in Manila, and Christmas music/decor has been around since mid-September! I'm all about it though, I LOVE Christmas! Have a great weekend! :)

  2. So much to comment on here!!! First and foremost, JT forever. I absolutely love (STILL!) the Nsync Christmas album! I'm totally one of those people that is ready for the holiday season to start today. Unfortunately, my husband makes me hold back on the decorations until the week before Thanksgiving. I've already begun my countdown though! I can't wait to hear your pumpkin pasta recipe! I actually was also going to try a pumpkin and sausage pasta recipe for the first time next week. And, that picture from your party is so funny! Happy Friday!

  3. Haha that NSync cd is my favorite Christmas album!!! Can't wait for the pumpkin linguini recipe, that looks so good!

  4. Love that nsync album and that Unconditionally song too!! Happy Friday!!!

  5. Oh my gosh, yall are too cute! Hope you have a great weekend!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Love the engagement pics...y'all are too cute! Have an amazing time at your sisters engagement party!

  8. I KNEW there was a reason {okay, many reasons| you and I get a long so and me both with the Christmas music!!!!! You sound JUST like me!! :)) Can't wait for the pumpkin recipe next week! You can never have too much pumpkin in my book {or Christmas music or red cups at that}!! Seriously, we HAVE to meet up one day!!! Please, oh please! :)) Happy Weekend, friend!

  9. I so cant wait for the pumpkin pasta recipe!! I've waiting for those red cups at starbucks too :) If I could get away with decorating for Christmas today I would so be on it faster than anyone could tell me to!! Happy Friday!!

  10. That pasta looks AMAZING. Can't wait for the recipe.

  11. Have a great time in Chaaaa-lot.

  12. HA! your posts just made me laugh out loud like literally- annnd I just got so excited for the upcoming holiday season! Enjoy your weekend Elise!!

  13. So ready for the Christmas Starbucks! And your royal portrait made me laugh out loud :)

  14. It's never too early for Christmas music or movies! And I neeeever ever get tired of listening to Christmas music!

  15. I would listen to Christmas all year long if my husband would let me. My girls and I sometimes listen to Christmas music on our morning drives. I have not heard Katy Perry's song but I will probably have that on replay all day - great song!

  16. Love the red cups, but really lived Panera's blue cups last year - festive in a different way :). Have fun at the engagement party this weekend! We have one as well for friends in CH - so excited.

  17. Love this! Bring on the Christmas music, I love it too! Your engagement party pics are priceless. I love me some Katy P too, best concert ever :) I am going to check out that song now! Have a great weekend, can't wait to see all the pics!

  18. Ok- loving this post!! (and I'm currently listening to good!) I love how excited you get for Christmas time and especially Christmas're just like me! And, I may have, um, had a 98 Degrees Christmas cd that was on repeat back in the 90's. Those were the days.... Happy Friday, friend!!

  19. Red cups are one of my favorite things ever! It essentially means Christmas is right around the corner!

  20. I'm listening to Christmas music over here as well! I don't think I could ever get tired of it!

  21. Loving the throwback NSync Christmas album TO DATE.
    RED CUPS ARE HERE! I'm all about the peppermint mocha, so I was so excited to see those cups this morning!
    And that song has been on repeat all week long. Loving her album.

  22. Stopping by from the link up. Justin Timberlake Forever... love it!!! Your engagement pics had me cracking up! We get ours taken next week, I will remember yours when I am all sorts of stressed out and need to remember to smile! Have a Great Friday!

  23. I so jam out to NSYNC at Christmas - glad I'm not the only one!

  24. Hanson Christmas is my jam but N'SYNC is a close second! Y'all's engagement picture is awesome!! Have a great weekend!

  25. nsync Christmas...MY JAM. love it!

    also looooove your engagement royalty pictures. perfect!

    have a fun weekend friend!!!

  26. Hey what alovely blog! do you wanna follow each other facebook and blogger?

  27. I'm with you on Halloween Shmalloween! I've been listening to Christmas music all day at work already - bring on the decorations!

  28. New follower! How cute is your blog? Love that engagement party picture!!

  29. DYING over your "royal" portrait!

  30. you are too funny. i still whip out the NSYNC Christmas album too. it takes me back to my teen years. glad to hear i'm not the only one!

    and yes, i'm all about Starbucks and their red cups. they're baaaaaack, baby! woohoo!

  31. I LOVE that Starbucks is on board with the red cups already. YES to Christmas decor early :) Enjoy the engagement party!

  32. YAY for christmas music starting!

  33. I'm dying - those pictures of you and the Mister are hilarious!! Love them!

    Peppermint hot chocolate is my red cup drink of choice... and it's not cold enough yet!

  34. So on Friday I send my husband the Christmas prep text. We are a bit Christmas obsessed in my house, I have been hunting for the perfect stockings since July. At the end I made the red cup announcement, he is not a coffee drinker but supports my habit :) Ahhh I can't wait :) Love the engagement pictures.

  35. This post cracked me up...I have already had several red cups drinks and have also been listening to my N'Sync Christmas cd! Check out Dave Barnes' Christmas CD's...they are really good!

  36. I can't wait to see the pumpkin linguine recipe!

  37. i can honestly say i like that katy perry song.. i never really enjoy her music! i've kinda just become really excited for christmas- who needs to wait till black friday anyway (thats when i usually do!)

  38. Oh my word, I'll LOVE your engagement pics!!!

  39. love that album!!!!

    christmas decorations AND red cups are the best time of the year!!!! we are so soul sisters!! ;)

