Sweet Nancypie,
You have grown and changed so much this month. You "talk" to us all the time, study us as we talk to you, and we are unashamedly addicted to your smiles. Everyday daddy still looks at you and can't hold back from saying, "She's just so perfect." Your laid back, precious personality is blooming. We are so in love with you. Love you so much, baby girl.
God loves you and so do I!
2 Month Memories:
You still fit in newborn diapers, but we ran out of them and just bought size 1 because you're growing like a weed. The two sides of tape definitely overlap when we put them on you, you lanky thing!
Mimi packed away your first round of newborn clothing. So bittersweet. You still fit into things width wise, but it's your length that has grown you out of these clothes!!! Still our little lankster. You're in 3 month clothing which is still baggy on you, but we need that size for length!
At the very beginning of month 2, your Nana and Granddad Fanta came to visit you from England! They love you so much. We all wish y'all could spend more time and days together. Daddy's favo(u)rite cousin, Heather, and her husband, James, came to see you too. Everyone was smitten and can't wait to see you again when we travel across the pond this September for Uncle Tom and Auntie Katherine's wedding.
You went to GrandMimi and Chief's farm for the first time. The last time you were there, you were in my tummy! I know you'll love growing up and making memories in this oh so special and magical place to our family. We can't wait to fish with you off the dock, watch you pet the horsies, moo at the cows, ride a bike down the long, long driveway to the barn and back, and make ginger cookies and pound cake with your Grandmimi!
Still our judgybaby and still keeping your hands in a fist all the time...
"HEY Y'ALL!" We tote you anywhere and everywhere with us because you're just so darn sweet and good. Easy baby. I'm convinced one (or more) of your brother(s)/sister(s) will be a little hellian because you're just the happiest baby.
Morning snuggles are mommy's favorite. I can't get enough. Daddy snapped this one of us one Friday morning when we were sleeping in. :)
More judgy baby. It's safe to say that everyone is extremely entertained by your judgy face.
But that smile...we are so addicted and will do anything for it! Your Aunt Coley snapped this perfect picture of your reaction when Daddy got home from work and held you.
Yep. Cannot get enough of your smiley self. You're the smiley-est in the morning when you wake up. You are such a joy! To everyone!
Mommy finally started a nighttime routine with you. Not going to lie, it's been hard to get into a lot of routines because our little family is still very much in transition as we begin our 3rd month living at Mimi's house and prepare our new Charlotte home for move in. Once we get settled permanently, I'm sure the routines will fall more into place. That being said, we got this rocking chair out of storage and squeezed it into our room at Mimi's house. It's the same rocking chair your Grandmimi rocked Mimi in! How special and incredible is that?
Anyway, we now have a little bedtime routine. I change your diaper, swaddle you, turn on the sound machine, nurse you and then rock you while singing praises and worship in your ear. I made a little "Worship Lullaby" playlist. "I Am Not Alone" by Kari Jobe is a favorite, but we always end with "Like Incense" by Hillsong. You can be a little fussy at first (fighting sleep!), but when I start rocking and singing and your calm down and nuzzle right under my chin. Bless you, sweet girl. After 10 or so minutes of worship, I pray over your sweet little life and lay you down to sleep. It is by far the sweetest, most pure part of my day. I treasure this time with you more than words can express.
We do have one temporary routine nailed down though. It's temporary because it'll only last as long as we live at Mimi's. Each weekday morning, my alarm goes off at 7:40, I take you to Mimi's room and let you keep sleeping on your pink pillow. Then I get dressed for my workout, go downstairs to make Daddy breakfast, eat a banana and pump all in time to head to 8:15 class at Hilliard. I've got it timed down to the minute. Then after class is over, I rush home to Mimi so she can go to the 9:30 class. I leave the car running and we just do a quick switcharoo. I often come back to this view: sleepy baby (after a morning bottle from Mimi) and babysitter Tina.

You continue to be the bathtime queen. You look hilarously content and chill in the bathtub. It cracks us up. Then we bundle you up in this puppy towel Auntie got you. BLESS!!! Preshie puppy and judgy puppy.
You love sitting up like a big girl. I know you'll love sitting up in the bumbo sooner than we know it. Here you are on Auntie's bed just being a tiny human big girl!
Tinabeana still loves her baby sissy soooo much...
This month mommy and daddy closed on our new house. We can't wait to get in it and set up your nursery!! We are so excited about your room--it's the first one we painted because it's the most special room in the house. :) Auntie Hope and Uncle Spyros moved into their house this month too! You've spent a lot of time there already. We even had a sleepover there a couple of weeks ago!
Your room! Painted with so much love by Mommy and Daddy. The color is "White Dogwood" -- the perfect color for our North Carolina girl.
Mommy and Daddy are absolutely in love with you, little girl!
And that fuzzy blonde hair! Bless it! It's so light it's almost camouflage against your skin.
Mommy wanted to match you for a cookout at Auntie Hope's. You judged my idea.
Daddy prefers you in "trousers" and "cardigans" because you look like such a "tiny, proportionate human" in them. This outfit was dedicated to Daddy.
We are both still big fans of babywearing. I love having you close to me at all times! If you're note close to me, I miss you!!!
Grandmimi and Mimi hosted a "Sip and See" so they could show you off. You were passed around for a few hours and handled it like champ.
You and Daddy are hilarious together. I think you're going to be funny like he is. He loves to mimic your faces and snuggle you after he gets home from work. He really loves "daddy daughter time" when Mommy has Bible Study or a girls night out.
One picture I see lots of me in. This is my face you're pulling! You still favor daddy for the most part, but some days I still see myself in you.
Carcolepsy. Makes it easy to tote you anywhere and everywhere with me, my little sidekick!
Obsessed with this picture of you, judgy girl... I took it at Belk when we were in the customer service line. Always judging everything.
Post workout snuggles with my favorite gals...
Model Nancy striking a pose...
Your tiny fingers. I love holding hands with you.
And my favorite outtakes from your 2 month pictures. Judging Tina. And then saying "nevermind, Tina, I was just kidding. I love you!" You. Are. Too. Cute!!
Other 2 Month Memories:
Simply Made with Love
Mommy's 28th Birthday
Bits of Life
"Sip and See"
House of Harper
Birth Announcement
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