Our sweet Nancy,
This past month has easily been the best month of our lives. Your Daddy and I are absolutely in love with you. Complete mush. We just stare at you saying, "She's so perfect." You are precious, relaxed, peaceful, and pure. We even think your cry is cute because you say "neigh" and snort like a little piglet. You are the joy of our lives. Still cannot believe you're ours.
God loves you, and so do I!
All my love,
1 Month Memories:
We live at your Mimi's house while we transition between homes in Wilmington and Charlotte. It is such a blessing, and we are extremely spoiled. Chuckles says that Mimi will have post-partum depression for grandmothers when we move out.
You were 7lbs 6oz at birth, dropped to 6lbs 11oz at your lowest, and at your one month checkup you were 9lbs 2oz. We all made guesses as to how much weight you gained, and Heather won with her guess of 9lbs 1oz. Your Nana was next at 9lbs on the nose, and the rest of us had guesses in the 8s.
You were 40th percentile for weight, 73rd for height, and 75th for head circumference. Lanky baby!
You are in newborn diapers and newborn clothes for the most part, but we managed to get you in to some 3 month clothing in the last week or so of month one--but you still have a lot of room in them. The clothes help us see how much you're growing! Some of our favorite onesies are the ones your Nana bought you from England. They're only good for up to 10lbs, so we are getting as many wears out of those as we can! :)
You love snuggles. A lot. Which is great because so do I (we!). I wonder if your primary love language will wind up being touch just like your mommy and daddy. I'm clearly obsessed...

Similarly, you love being worn. Babywearing rocks. You definitely think so too. I wear you around the house sometimes, and this month I've worn you to church, the Wells Fargo golf tournament, and Harris Teeter. Daddy proudly wore you at the golf tournament too. Wearing you is like having a puppy around...everyone looks, points, and says "awwww!"
You already have lots of silly nicknames: Nancypie, Nancypup, Benji (short for Benjamin Button), Piglet, Piglet Horse, and Judgy Baby to name a few.
That judgy baby face you have is hilarious. That little scowl cracks us up and does not get old.
You felt too far away from me in the bassinet. I know. Even though it was pushed right up to my side of the bed, I couldn't roll over and look at you or hold your hand. So now you nap in the bassinet downstairs (and look so cute in it too), and we bought a co-sleeper that we have beside our bed now. I love having you on the same level as us. It's fun to roll over and watch you while you sleep. (Truth be told though, you favorite spot to sleep the first few weeks was on my chest. Shh! Don't tell. Mommy broke the rules. :)).
Speaking of that, I am convinced that you will be a stomach sleeper like me. Once you learn how to roll over, I'm sure you'll be sleeping on your tummy.
Your sister Amelia absolutely adores you. That surprised all of us. We definitely thought she would be a lot more jealous than she is, but she knew right from the start that you were a part of our family. She protects you, kisses you, lays with you, and "babysits" you. She is always near whichever person has the baby. I can't wait to watch your relationship grow!
You have changed so much in a month. You are still our little lanky girl, but you are quickly filling out and getting more rolls. I see myself in your eyes (literally - we have the same eye shape), but other than that, I see a lot of your daddy in you. There are days where we see glimpses of me, but most of the time, I just look at you and see Daddy. You have his blonde hair and blue eyes -- I'm convinced they'll stay blue because of your precious blonde eyelashes and eyebrows.
Daddy loves twinning with you...he actually does very good Nancy impressions.

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