How Far Along: 31 in 9 weeks to go! Say what?!
Size of Baby: 3.2 lbs, 18" -- a coconut (I feel like these fruit associations are getting a little off...?)
Gender: Our little girl, Nancy Hope Houston
Fun Fact: Her 5 senses are fully developed and optimized this week!
Fun Fact: Her 5 senses are fully developed and optimized this week!
Movement: She definitely is big enough to sit up against the right side of my ribs, and boy does that feel weird and uncomfortable. I can't imagine how it'll feel when she's twice as big as she is now! (!!) Hiccups happened a couple of times this week which was amusing. Also, I can feel her at two points for the first time this week. Like she can poke out of two different parts of my stomach at once. It's crazy! I guess because she is so long and strong now!?!
Sleep: Still great. Still no pregnancy pillow. Crusin with my snoozin.
Workouts: Pure Barre x 6 plus a few minutes of extra stretching after class's necessary. It takes me longer to get into a deep stretch these days, anyway. :)
Symptoms: Pregnancy brain. Grunting (cute, right?) when I stand up from sitting or come out of a stretch/position at Pure Barre. No soreness this week...I feel like that before was from all of the babymoon walking! No complaints -- I realize that this has been a very easy pregnancy.
QUESTION: Braxton Hicks contractions? Mamas, am I supposed to be feeling those? What the heck do they actually feel like? Google's descriptions don't make sense to me. (So I guess I'm not having them...)
QUESTION: Braxton Hicks contractions? Mamas, am I supposed to be feeling those? What the heck do they actually feel like? Google's descriptions don't make sense to me. (So I guess I'm not having them...)
Cravings/Aversions: Nope. Still pregnancy's most boring craving/aversion person.
Missing Most: My mom and sister
Nursery: Did zilch to it this week. Well, I did grab some faux flowers from Home Goods. Still need to order some pics to go in the empty gold frames. Glider should be delivered sometime this month, I think.
Hubby: Is the cutest when he cups his hands and talks into my belly. He always says, "Hey Nancy! This is your daddy!" Bless it. He also continues to tell me that I'm "getting big" and "it's cute." Thank goodness those two phrases are always in the same breath. They sound pretty juxtaposed, but they sure do make me laugh every time.
I can't handle them together, so I cannot imagine what a pile of mush I'll be when Nancy arrives. Tina kept her head on the pillow and her hand on Mark like this for so long that I just had to turn on the lights and take a picture. #tinainthemiddle
Can't Wait For: Though I'm not looking forward to car time (Hwy 74 is wretched!), we'll be heading back home to CLT lots over the coming month for various family events: my cousin's deb ball, my brother's play, my baby shower, and our goddaughter's dedication! So many loved ones to pumped. OH! And getting my hair highlighted on Thursday. These lowlights have got to go. I miss the blonde. Which is what always happens. :)
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