29 weeks 0 days
Size of Baby: About 2.9lbs and 16" tall. A little pineapple.
Gender: Our little girl, Nancy Hope Houston!
Fun Fact: Since baby is closer to her birth height than birth weight, she'll be gaining lots of "white fat" from here on out...making her less string beany! Babes get "brown fat" first to help them regulate their body temperature.
Movement: So much. And mostly anytime I stop moving, I feel her. I love her so much. We were pushing on each other back and forth one night in the wee hours of the morning in London. It was brilliant.
Sleep: Great! Babymoon jetlag? Nah. I can still sleep anywhere. I've always been keen on napping. I slept a few hours on each of our transcontinental flights too. Holla!
Workouts: 1 Pure Barre, 1 Hilliard Studio Method, and the rest of the days were spent walking 3-5+ miles around London and Paris everyday!
Symptoms: Soreness from all that walking around London + Paris! Thankful that I didn't experience any swelling (serious hallelujah), but that walking walking walking sure did make the muscles in the front and back of my pelvic bone sore. Muscles that have certainly never felt sore before. Definitely reminded me that I am very pregnant. Ouch! But with the help of some oils, I managed more than fine! Also - getting a stomach cramp from walking fast feels a lot different (lower and more diagonal...in a funny way!) when you're preg. Ha!
Cravings/Aversions: No. I just wanted a week full of babymoon indulgences. I was dying for a proper curry in England (why isn't having a good Indian curry popular here in the States?!), and I had my fair share of sweets and pastries in Paris! So. Much. Good. Food.
This was the foodie day of my life. All in a day's work, I had a croissant, pain au chocolate, white hot chocolate, macaroons, nachos, an avocado burger, and a nutella crepe. We made the last full day of our babymoon count tenfold. :)
Missing Most: On our babymoon? Nada!
Nursery: Of course no progress while we were gone, but Mama is coming to Wilmington with me this weekend to help conquer the nursery!
All pictures are from Instagram, but I'll have some special babymoon posts (and my usual bumpdate pics) for y'all next week!!!
Our Announcement | Weeks 4-12 | Week 13 | Week 14 | Week 15 | Week 16 | Week 17 | Week 18 | Weeks 19 and 20 | Week 21 | Week 22 | Week 23 | Week 24 and 25 | Week 26 | Week 27 | Week 28 | Week 29 
Hubby: We truly had the best week together. We love traveling, adventuring, and exploring together. More on that soon. :)
I really love how much he loves feeling our strong little girl. He wants to feel her anytime she is moving. It's so sweet. She said him good morning a couple of times with punches when we woke up on our babymoon. It's like she knows his hands are snuggling her on my tummy! I'm already adoring their precious daddy daughter bond.
Best Part of the Week: Every moment of our babymoon! We felt so thankful to have that special trip together.
Can't Wait For: For once--since let's be real, I am bad at this--I feel so fulfilled and joyous in these moments post vacay. I just want to soak in this glorious contentment and gratitude for now. :)
All pictures are from Instagram, but I'll have some special babymoon posts (and my usual bumpdate pics) for y'all next week!!!
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