Today I am so thrilled to share Baby Hoidal's "Queen City Baby Shower" with y'all. (You might remember reading about Baby Hoidal's gender reveal here -- her parents are some of our very best friends!)
Since I'm no longer a resident of the QC, my mama offered up her house for us to host the shower. (Thanks, Mommy!) We used Baby Hoidal's nursery as inspiration for the shower theme. Think sophisticated Queen City crowns with grays/golds/whites and pops of pale pink. I'll let the pictures do the rest of the "talking!"
I created the invitation because I'm a control freak and couldn't find anything that was "perfect" on Zazzle. It truly enjoy being able to customize invites and cards. And I got to match the nursery as closely as I could! (I've done this before. Remember? I'm the same way with our Christmas cards. 2012 | 2013)
The tablescape
Lots of delectable snacks filled this table for the afternoon affair:
cake bites, white chocolate M&Ms, pretzels with cheese dip, chicken salad wraps and croissants, Asain salad, pita chips, pimento cheese and homemade hummus...mmm. (And cake to eat later while Mal opened presents!)
Cake Bites by Carolina Sweet Bites |
Okay, we have to talk about these. I mean. Oh dear Lord. Not cake balls/pops. Cake bites. They're bigger. And better. And how the lady makes these, I wish I knew. These were better than spherical cake snack I've ever tasted by 1000...and I've never met a cake ball/pop I didn't like! Heav-en-ly! Hopey had the idea to order these (HOLLA, sista) in vanilla and strawberry after trying a few at Common Grounds Farm Stand in Myers Park. The vanilla was my jam. Does that sound vanilla of me? It's unlike any vanilla you've ever tasted! We are absolutely going to order from this precious company again. Worth every penny. Charlotte ladies: definitely check out Carolina Sweet Bites! Okay, you get the picture. Rave complete. :)
Precious diaper cake that Brooke made!
...that my child dog could've sworn was for her when it arrived. The loveys on top caught her eye.
Fresh Market flowers and pink gumballs (and old debutante pics. Yep.)
Light pink roses and baby's breath were our picks for the occasion.
Light pink roses and baby's breath were our picks for the occasion.
The beautiful mommy-to-be and lots and lots of presents to open!
With the dress she wore home from the hospital as a little babe!
With the dress she wore home from the hospital as a little babe!

Onesie love: "Who needs a prince? I have Daddy."
Lindsay had all the brains behind these practical (and Pinterest-worthy!) favors!
The mama and her hostesses!
My fave preggo in the world.
The gals
Mal and her mom and MIL
And Hope's baby who made a debut after the shower was over. That face! Proud auntie over here.
Cheers to the loveliest Queen City Shower celebrating the loveliest two ladies!
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