First of all, thank you from the bottom of my (our!) heart(s) for the outpouring of love, congrats, well wishes, sweet messages, calls, comments, texts, emails, etc. since our announcement! Mark and I truly couldn't believe it. The joy is so great it almost seems surreal.
Romans 12:15 instructs us to "Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep." Thank you immeasurably for the gracious ways all of you have rejoiced with us! I thank the Lord for the way you are sharing in our joy!
Here are some answers to the questions I've been asked most frequently since revealing the news! Y'all know I'm an open book, so I hope to catch you up on what has been going on in secret for the past few months! :)
Romans 12:15 instructs us to "Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep." Thank you immeasurably for the gracious ways all of you have rejoiced with us! I thank the Lord for the way you are sharing in our joy!
Here are some answers to the questions I've been asked most frequently since revealing the news! Y'all know I'm an open book, so I hope to catch you up on what has been going on in secret for the past few months! :)
How far along are you?
13 weeks today! Hello, second trimester!! I can't believe it! Just like that I'm 1/3 of the way through!
When is your due date?
April 21, 2015!...which is Amelia's birthday, so Mark is very hopeful that the humanpup and TinyTinapup share a birthday. Don't worry, we know the odds aren't in our favor. Ha! My in-laws told me that April 21st is the queen's birthday too! Mark and I are also spring babies (in May), so we are excited to have a little family full of spring birthdays.
How did you find out?
Nothing like I'd ever imagined it in 10,000 years. We knew that me being pregnant was a possibility after we put some actual "effort" into "trying" for the first time. I knew that the soonest I could find out would be around our 2 year anniversary...and that day would be 4 days before my expected still very early.
On August 11, 2014, I woke up, grabbed a pregnancy test, and didn't see anything. But then--wait--maybe there was something. The plastic window was playing tricks with my eyes, so like any freak of nature, I took the test apart and wondered whether I saw the faintest line or if I was going crazy. Should I ask Mark? But I wanted to tell him in a cuter way because I had a onesie made especially for this moment. Screw it, I have to ask him. I'm going bonkers. I ran to the kitchen to ask Marky, who I assumed would say, "yeah, you're going crazy." But he immediately responded with, "Yeah, I see 2 lines. Let's wait though because you can hardly see it. It's still too early."
I couldn't believe he confirmed what my eyes saw! And even though I know that even the faintest line (that BOTH of us could see) still means positive...I burrowed it back down and decided that it was only a Harris Teeter brand test and I wanted to check with the "real thing"/name brand. So of course that morning I headed to Target, got the real thing, and the super duper faint line happened again. That line that makes you think: am I crazy and seeing things or is this real?
When Mark got home this time, he couldn't see another line. I'd wait to test again tomorrow. But we headed to our anniversary dinner a little giddier than usual and of course dinner talk revolved around the possible baby growing inside of me. We smiled a lot, discussed confirmed our name choices for the 589105th time, and I happily opted out of some anniversary vino. (We've had a running list of favorite baby names on the notes section my phone since a few years into dating. So all we needed was a little...this name for a boy, right? And this for a girl? Yep. And yep. Moving on. :))
Via |
Anniversary dinner on the day we "halfway" found out
The following morning, I sprang out of bed, grabbed that name brand test from Target, and low and behold, there was a line. This time it was the kind of line that you didn't have to squint to see. It was the real deal. (And still 3 days before my expected period!) Mark was still sleeping. I got the custom onesie I had ordered months before (I'm a planner, remember!) in preparation for this "official" moment. I crawled back in bed with Mark, who is not a morning person [at all], and told him that I forgot to give him an anniversary gift. He fussed saying I broke the rules--because we are not big gift givers to each other and decided [once again] not to exchange gifts. I told him I was sorry and just to see what it was. In his sleepy state, he asked if he could open it after work instead. UM, NO! So after some convincing, the onesie was revealed. Morning Mark was confused at first about whether it was for a canine or human pup (ha!)...but that morning it was officially official. We were having a baby!!!
For our baby to wear while watching football with Daddy.
How have you been feeling?
I apologize to every mommy that has experienced morning sickness....eeek!...because I've been feeling great. Don't hate me! :) I know I am more fortunate than I even realize not having to experience that day long nausea! I'm very thankful. Also, now that I'm in trimester 2, I hear that my energy will be coming back! Less 20 min power naps needed. Yahoo! (Although pregnant or not, I am always a fan of a good power nap.)
So it has been that easy?
Eeek again! Yes, I think?! Other than the other typical symptoms (super sore boobs, fatigue, more headaches, and I did have my first migraine ever that was so intense it made me vom), it has really been a pleasant ride thus far. We did have a big scare at 7 weeks due to some bleeding, but after an emergency ultrasound, everything turned out okay. Thank you, Jesus!
Are you still going to do Pure Barre?
Pshh, yeah! ;) Just completed my first class last night in our studio's 40 classes in 60 days challenge! (P.S. Pregnant Pure Barre is safe if your body is used to it pre-pregancy. I also have a lovely packet of modifications that I can use for the next 6ish months!)
So you were pregnant on the bachelorette weekend in New Orleans?
Yep. :) 6 weeks. Lizzie did a great job strategically drinking out of both of our glasses of champagne at dinner each night. I consumed a LOT of cran + soda water that weekend and held Lizzie and Nicole's 2/3 empty warm beer bottles.
Are you going to find out the gender?
Oh heavens yes! This planner not find out!? Never. I love when my close friends ask me that question, stop mid sentence and then say, "Wait nevermind. I already know the answer. Of course you're finding out." :)
Fun fact too: though my gender ultrasound should be at the end of Nov/beginning of Dec...we are going to wait a few extra weeks and find out with my family on Christmas Eve! It will be a longer wait but so worth it to have a little "reveal" in the presence of my whole family...grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins! This is the first grandbaby (on both sides), so you can imagine the excitement!
Last fun fact: our sweet, sweet, salt of the earth, love-her-so-much-I-can't-even-stand it wedding cake maker, Kathy Allen, is going to be the mastermind behind our gender reveal cake. Mark and I both fell in love with her during the wedding process. We love that she'll be the first to know our secret and fill that cake with so much love!!! Plus, who doesn't want some extra dessert on Christmas Eve!? Hope and I are already plotting to have enough pieces of cake for the reveal AND for breakfast on Christmas morning. #priorities
How did you tell your families?
I called my mom that very day I got the crazy faint line on the pregnancy test. :)
Hope...I really wanted to wait and tell her in person. She's my bffie, so I wanted to be able to jump up and down, cry, scream, squeal, and hug her in person amidst the excitement. I just couldn't fathom telling her via technology. It didn't work out the original way I had hoped, but sharing that moment with her on FaceTime was still as special as it could be. She and my brother opened special "cool like my aunt" and "awesome like uncle" onesies at the dinner table one night while I stood by on FaceTime.
We slowly told the rest of our family and closest friends between 5-11 weeks.
Fun fact too: though my gender ultrasound should be at the end of Nov/beginning of Dec...we are going to wait a few extra weeks and find out with my family on Christmas Eve! It will be a longer wait but so worth it to have a little "reveal" in the presence of my whole family...grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins! This is the first grandbaby (on both sides), so you can imagine the excitement!
Last fun fact: our sweet, sweet, salt of the earth, love-her-so-much-I-can't-even-stand it wedding cake maker, Kathy Allen, is going to be the mastermind behind our gender reveal cake. Mark and I both fell in love with her during the wedding process. We love that she'll be the first to know our secret and fill that cake with so much love!!! Plus, who doesn't want some extra dessert on Christmas Eve!? Hope and I are already plotting to have enough pieces of cake for the reveal AND for breakfast on Christmas morning. #priorities
How did you tell your families?
I called my mom that very day I got the crazy faint line on the pregnancy test. :)
Hope...I really wanted to wait and tell her in person. She's my bffie, so I wanted to be able to jump up and down, cry, scream, squeal, and hug her in person amidst the excitement. I just couldn't fathom telling her via technology. It didn't work out the original way I had hoped, but sharing that moment with her on FaceTime was still as special as it could be. She and my brother opened special "cool like my aunt" and "awesome like uncle" onesies at the dinner table one night while I stood by on FaceTime.
Or watch it via my Instagram!
We slowly told the rest of our family and closest friends between 5-11 weeks.
Are you going to do weekly pregnancy updates on the blog?
Yes! I've already documented weeks 4-12 and will be publishing that all in one post at some point this week!
Let me know if I forgot to answer anything!
Weekly updates are coming up next..and then I promise to have the blog back to "normal" and minimize preggo posting to a weekly basis!
Yes! I've already documented weeks 4-12 and will be publishing that all in one post at some point this week!
Let me know if I forgot to answer anything!
Weekly updates are coming up next..and then I promise to have the blog back to "normal" and minimize preggo posting to a weekly basis!
"Rejoice with those who rejoice."
Romans 12:15
Thank you again--so dearly!--for doing that with us! xxxxxxx

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