Friday, October 31, 2014

5 on Friday | Crafting, Shopping, and Giveaways

This Lindsey Letters print inspired me to freehand this on our kitchen chalkboard. Also...chalk pens are in the dollar spot at Target! ;)

Remember how I told you about my friend (and Pure Barre teacher!) Dana's new blog a couple of weeks ago?! WELL, she is hosting a giveaway for ONE FREE CLASS here in Wilmington AND (!!!) one free class to the studio nearest you! If you have wanted to give Pure Barre a try, now is your chance! Do it!!! Need convincing? Read her post and it'll have you convinced for sure.

Look what came in the mail on Wednesday! One of my sweet teacher friends from back home sent this to Baby Houston in the mail. Seriously, it was addressed to Baby Houston...which made me squeal of course. YAY!!!!

Used my ON supercash to grab these [non-maternity!] goodies. How cute!!! Can't wait for them to arrive.
I love a good flowy dress (and paired with those leopard flats!).
And I also love flowy nightgowns...with gold expressions about needing coffee. YESSSSSS.

If you didn't catch my Pink Slip Boutique Giveaway, you still have a couple of days to enter before it ends! $25 buy some lovely goodies of your choice!

My new cardi from Pink Slip Boutique!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

  Happy Halloween!
Cheers to to Darci, April, Christina, and Natasha!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Flowers in my Hair [Guest Post]

In thinking about what to write today, I came up short. You see, my grandfather went to be with the Lord a week ago. In watching him die, I learned that God is Nigh, that women Hold up the Sky, and at his funeral, we tried our best to Dance through Grief.  If you want to know me, see below. If you want to know my heart, read the posts above.

I'm offering 20% off sponsor spots with the code: elisexo Thanks for knowing me and possibly getting to know my heart.

 Flowers in my Hair Blog | Bloglovin' | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Pregnancy | 15 Weeks

Mark says it's looks like I'm just sticking my stomach out, but I promise it's the baby! The real, leeeeetle bump!
Also: bumps feel hard even when they're small. Weird!!!

How Far Along: 15 weeks -- Told y'all that bump is poppin!

Size of Baby: An orange!!!! 4.5" long!

Gender: Same old, same old. Generally speaking withing my friends and family, all the girls think girl and the boys think boy
Please amuse me and play along: Cast your vote for Baby Houston's gender...Right HERE! -------> 

Movement: Y'all, a suwannee I felt my first "quickening"/movement on Monday!!!!!! And yesterday morning and evening too! It was just different feeling and more centrally located than anything else. And yep. I am thinking that was it...the real deal! I don't even know how to describe it! I've read bubbles, butterflies, flutters, a goldfish swimming around....the only word that comes to my mind is "unreal!" (But out of those above descriptions, the goldfish swimming around feels most like it.)

Fun Fact: Baby's legs are now longer than his/her arms. And he/she can sense light though eyes are still fused shut for a bit!

Sleep: Been sleeping a lot better this week! Is this the goodness of the 2nd tri? I've even managed to stay up with Mark till 11-11:30ish this week. That never happened in the first tri. I was in bed by 8 or 9 nightly!

Workouts: Pure Barre x 6 (Finally! Now that's the way I like it!) and two 2.25 mile walks.

Maternity Clothes: My jeans still button but are becoming snug and less comfortable. SO! I went to Clothes Mentor ( pains me to pay full price for things) and snagged a pair of CUTE Old Navy full panel maternity skinnies for $10! I love them! I'll have them on standby for now as I'm trying to ride out my regular pants for as long as possible. :)

Symptoms: More round ligament "pain" (because it's not really "pain" unless I sneeze). That's about it.

Cravings/Aversions: Sweet tooth is still out to play, I'm just trying to exercise more self control. ;)

Missing Most: Still nothing really. I had some Ariel non-alcoholic wine this weekend and it was so fun to walk around holding and sipping on a cold glass of "white wine!"

Nursery: I've started to "research" some big ticket nursery items (AKA crib and glider--I know I definitely want a glider just because I prefer them over rockers) so I know what to snag when the sales hit. Any suggestions/words of wisdom?!

Hubby: Caught me cheesing hard to myself when I could feel those early fetal movements while laying on the couch Monday night. He reached over to try and feel too, but I explained to him that you can only feel from the inside at first. Bless. Sorry, honey. :)

Also Mark practiced burping Amelia this weekend...

We are absolutely watching Grand Designs in the background. :)

Best Part of the Week: The movement! I'm smiling as I even type that! So surreal yet made things so much more real simultaneously.

Can't Wait For: I'm currently over the moon about everything...seeing my family again, next ultrasound, more bump poppage, finding out the gender, picking out things for the nursery....there is so much to savor and cherish! Also Marky and I are heading to Raleigh on Thursday for an editorial wedding shoot. I'm excited to play dress up!! ...And be pregnant in a wedding dress. :)

Our Announcement | Weeks 4-12  | Week 13 | Week 14 | Week 15

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

October Sponsor Spotlight

Y'all know what's up!
Say hello to these darling hearts who are gracing Cheers Y'all today!!
If you want to learn more about sponsorship opportunities, head this way. :)

Name: Elizabeth Burns
 Do you have a favorite Halloween costume that you've worn? I think this might be a tie from when I went as Posh Spice with my girlfriends (obviously as the Spice Girls) in middle school and when I went as a Pink Lady from Grease.
If you could only eat one kind sweet/candy treat, what treat would you choose? Reese's Peanut Butter Cups!
Finish this sentence: The best thing about October is... Autumn weather and accessories! Oh, and it's almost socially acceptable to be listening to Christmas music.

Connect with Elizabeth

Name: Lizzie
Do you have a favorite Halloween costume that you've worn? I don't do Halloween, I've never enjoyed it. One year I was working in a bar & Halloween fell on the night I worked & we all had to dress up, so I went as an angel.
If you could only eat one kind sweet/candy treat, what treat would you choose? Easily cake. My massive vice, any kind of cake but always homemade.
Finish this sentence: The best thing about October is...
My anniversary! 6 years ago I married my soul mate, best friend & all round great guy. Best husband & Father, by far the best decision I ever made was saying 'I will' that day on 18th Oct 2008.

Connect with Lizzie

Name: Ashley
Blog: Sweet Carolina Belle 
Do you have a favorite Halloween costume that you've worn? My favorite costume as a child was a homemade Cinderella costume that I adored. Complete with ribbon necklace and fancy headband. As an adult, I love dressing up as Tinkerbell one year in college. Notice a theme? :
If you could only eat one kind sweet/candy treat, what treat would you choose? Oh boy, as a self diagnosed sweets addict this one took some thought. Currently, I am loving chocolate covered pretzels. I love the combo of sweet, salty and crunchy.
Finish this sentence: The best thing about October is... the North Carolina State Fair!

Connect with Ashley
Bloglovin' // Facebook // Instagram // Twitter // Pinterest

Name: Katie
Do you have a favorite Halloween costume that you've worn? The first Halloween that my now-husband and I were together, we were both football players. His jersey said "Katie's #1" and mine said "Joe's #1". So cheesy but so sweet. Haha!
If you could only eat one kind sweet/candy treat, what treat would you choose? Milk duds! As kids, my brother and I would trade candy after a successful night of trick or treating. I would end up with a big pumpkin full of solely milk duds.
Finish this sentence: The best thing about October is...  Pumpkin-flavored everything, bonfires with good friends, Sunday evening family get togethers outdoors, hiking with my better half, & preparing for... Christmas!

Connect with Katie
Facebook // Bloglovin' // Twitter

P.S. In case you missed it, head over to yesterday's post and enter to win $25 to Pink Slip Boutique! You don't want to miss out--trust me!

Cheers fall and these favorites!