Since documenting with pics is one big, happy slice of my life, I give you Bits of Life Vol 2.
I love having the "in-between" moments documented on the blog too.
Today the theme seems to revolve around food and a certain tinypup.
Sounds about right. :)

Art inspiration. Marky and I would love to have a large peace of beachy artwork to add to our home.
I swoon over these two pieces. They definitely epitomize what I want!
Twins and summer rainstorms on the back porch. (Oh, and popsicles too.)
Afternoon nap on the patio after some daddy-doghter kayaking in Mount Airy. Tiny but adventurous.
This is what we do sometimes when we're excitedly waiting for Mark to get home from work.
This one in particular made it on to Mark's Tina's Instagram.
I mean.
This pup loves a good headrest and her Big [Bad, whateva] Daddy's burger.
And in further reference to awesome places to eat in CLT...the Steve's Sandwich at Laurel. Oh dear goodness.
On whole grain, add cukes.
Human pup.
I am straight up addicted to watermelon this summer.
And I enjoyed adding some pineapple into the mix thanks to my girlfran Heather! :)
On the way to dinner pic [that Mark is really happy about ;)].
A pup asleep on the kitchen table? Who would alllow such a thing.
And pupparently I can't get enough of the pup pics this time around. :)
2 miles from home to get here. Wow.
Dinner last Sunday...garlic naan pizza is my jam.
And dinner Monday night. MexiMondays.
My latest obsession: organic French press from PCJ!
More pup in the bed pics. Always in the middle, that tiny girl.
If you conquered this pic overload, bless your heart.
Thanks for bearing with me.
The in-between moments can be just as sweet as the big ones. :)
Happy Friday!
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