We're baaaack! :) For two weeks in a row, so brace yourselves and get PUMPED.
In case you missed us before (here + here) the lowdown is that Tara and I are long lost twinsies on oh so many levels. Our lives, loves, and general life passions and priorities are insanely similar. Only twist? She's in England and I'm here in the States!
Today we're discussing distance. Not long distance relationships with our spouses -- though both of us know those all too well from our dating relationships. We're talking about being an ocean away from family and, in Tara's case, from home. You can read Tara's answers below, then...you know the drill...click away and fly across the pond to her blog to find my responses! Cheers, my dears! See ya across the pond...!

What brought you + Stephen away from family & friends?
I'm from the Sunshine State and Stephen is from England. It was inevitable that someone would have to make the move and so we decided soon after we knew this was a forever thing that it would be me. Stephen's job is here and it's his calling + something he's always wanted to do, where as my job was take it or leave it. That, and, we felt like we were being called to reach the people here and although it wasn't an easy decision we both knew it was the right one. That certainly was and still is an important factor because we can fall back on that knowing for this moment & time this is where we are called to do life.
How do you ensure that you stay in touch?
Once we decided that I was going to be making the 'big move' I started this blog. Originally this creative space was purposed for just that, keeping my family and friends updated on our journey abroad.
Another benefit is technology, what a saving grace that has been. To be able to pick up the iPad and FaceTime 'home' at any given moment is such a blessing. I never go a day without speaking to my mom and without fail every morning I get a 'good morning' text. It's those little things that make me feel as if the big pond isn't so vast and reminds me that we are never really that far apart.
Being away must not be easy, how do you cure homesickness when it hits?
Hop in the bath, turn on some tunes and soak. Maybe go shopping? Or how about downing a pint of Ben + Jerry's? Kidding. Although sometimes it feels good to throw a pity party it's definitely not the best coping strategy. Something that has helped me is to start fully considering this my home.
It's easy to keep yourself distracted and not face the fact that you are desperately missing home but that's not healthy either. I've learned to admit when I'm missing those who are far but at the same time being careful not to dwell on what would be/could be. It's a balance of embracing and still celebrating the best parts of 'home' while not hanging on to everything that's not like 'home' here.
Anyone who has been homesick knows that it can strike at any given moment but being armed with an incredible circle of friends and knowing I'm only an iPad, phone call or plane ride away helps.
What are some tips for establishing new friendships in a new place?
I touched on that a little above but I think one of the most important tips is to start to plant yourself within your community. For us it was finding a church home which opened the flood gates to a whole heap of friendships.
I think it's also important to try to say 'yes' although it can be very tempting to say no and go for that bath time scenario again. But by saying 'yes' you set yourself up to start friendships and get to really know + appreciate the people around you.
What's the hardest thing about being away?
The lack of quality + quantity time with those that I so desperately miss from 'home'. Although I do miss the sunshine it pales in comparison to not feeling those warm embraces and spending time sipping a morning coffee with my Momma.
There's always something positive in every situation - what are some of the positives in this one?
Knowing that this is where we are called to be for 'such a time as this' sets us up for happiness. We truly believe that this is where we are meant to be planted at this very moment and that is such a reassurance. Although we might not realize our full purpose yet we do know that we were called to love on the people in this city.
Another positive is that it's grown and stretched me. I never in a million years would've thought that I would leave my small hometown, nevertheless my home state, and move abroad, nor did I think I was capable. These past two years have really shaped me and, for that, I'm so thankful.
It also makes the reunions that much sweeter.
Oh and of course that I get to wake up and walk this journey with my best friend. And that accent, oh that accent.
Don't forget...we'll be back next Wednesday. Two couples have a two year anniversary coming up...! :)
Across the Pond Index
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