I like big purses and I cannot lie.
Here's a little peek into what I carry around with me 24/7 [and why!].
1 | Purse within a purse?! It might sound odd, but I keep this clutch inside my bag at all times. It holds the lip stuff and cardholder (3 + 4), so whenever I want to "downsize" for a date night or something of sorts, I just grab the clutch and go!
2 | My Old Navy shades in an old pink Juicy case that I love. Because it's pink, of course.
3| Various lipsticks and glosses...all different shades of pink!
4 | Tory Burch cardholder (similar) I got in my stocking years ago. It holds all of the important stuff! We charge everything to our US Airways card and pay it off in full at the end of each month, so there's no need for me to carry around a big wallet!
5 | Didn't know that little gem was in there till I dumped everything out! I think a little girlie tossed it in without me knowing. I'll be returning that tiny clip today. :)
6 | Pure Barre sticky socks...duh! Often times there is more than one pair of these floating around in my bag. LTBing is part of my everyday, so I have these on standby at all times.
7 | A classy ziploc bag filled with coupons and gift cards. Works for me!
8 | My Maybook [2014 calendar] and another classy item: pens and highlighters in a rubber band. Listen, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. I can't wait till I get home to color coordinate the events in my calendar. I need those highlighters all the time, okay? ;) [Want an even weirder peek into my brain? Here are my highlighter color codes...pink-me, green-Mark, yellow-both of us/special events, blue-blog.]
Not pictured [because I was drinking from it and forgot to put it back in the picture] | My Epic water bottle! Wilmy locals, this needs to be your jam. $12 for the lovely green water bottle, and you can swing by Epic and fill it up with infused water anytime. Unlimited. I frequently fill mine with jalapeno water or green tea! Cheers to that!

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