Our 4th of July long weekend was filled with some of our favorite folks. We celebrated with friends from Wilmington as well as our out-of-town guests, the Hoidals! Last summer we roadtripped to Nashville, TN, with the Hoidal fam, and this year brought a beach vacay/staycation. We plan to make H family vacations an annual thing. :)
Y'all know what's next...the photo recap!
Long weekend excitement...
...and some well deserved surprises after driving down to Wilmy through Hurricane Arthur.
Of course I couldn't resist buying Baby Hoidal her first bow. [Gender Reveal blog post here!]
The boys wasted no time getting in the water.
And my Englishman wasn't too enthused with the American pride photos. ;) [as seen on Insta!]
TWO of my favorite gals! :)
You would never know that a hurricane came though the day before -- it was the perfect beach day!
Malpal getting some pup snuggles pre 4th of July cookout at our place.
Trader Joe's for the win with appetizers. Always. [And thanks, Mal, for bringing these!!]
Wine Spritzer with a non-alcoholic wine option for the mama-to-be! [Recipe here]
H family photo (Mark said he didn't need to wear red, white, and blue since he's English...ha! Womp.)
Totally didn't take pics of our cookout fun and our wonderful guests who made it the best!! Oopsie!
We beached it during the day again and headed to WB's Mellow Mushroom for lunch, which was obviously fabulous. Pizza is one of my favorite foods by far.
Later in the evening, we headed back across the bridge to Wrightsville to watch the sunset.
Crusining across the bridge in Marky's "new" jeep
We live here?! Doesn't get old.
Eeeeeek! This pic marks Mal's halfway point -- 20 weeks! And the day baby H's dad felt her in mommy's tummy for the first time!!
Good friends and beautiful sunsets. Life is grand.
Can you tell that we still can't believe we live at the beach?! ;)
Love, love, love my Malpal!
#marriage #andhavingfriendswhoare6'7'' [Thanks Joe!! :)]
Mark wanted to join in the pregnancy photo fun...! AHH!
Ending the weekend with a bang? Banana splits circa 9pm.
While watching our first ever episode of One Tree Hill (I know...how did I never watch it before?!).
We are so thankful to have such wonderful friends back in Charlotte and here in our new city! Thanks to our fraaands who celebrated this weekend with us!!
Also: Pure Barre really hurt yesterday. After a long-weekend hiatus...woof. Getting back in the groove of reality isn't too shabby though. :)
Hope y'all had wonderful 4ths as well!

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