Dear Nancypie,
3 months! This is the first month that we keep talking about how "big" you've gotten. The rolls are multiplying, your cheeks are drooping more, and you've almost doubled in size since you were born. You are such a pie!!! It's all happening so fast. I'm clinging to every moment and holding and snuggling you as much as I can because I'm pretty sure you'll be 18 before I know it.
God loves you, and so do I!
3 Month Memories:
You are a little smooshface. See those droopy cheeks? You are still judgy. I love that picture of you with Daddy when you're on the counter. It perfectly epitomizes why he always says "She's such a little person. She's just a tiny, proportionate person." Yep!
We went on your first beach trip this month! We celebrated the 4th of July, and you loved playing in the tidal pools and napping on the beach. Mommy and Daddy suspected you would love the water because of how much you adore
Your barely there blonde locks are nearly camouflaged against your head. There are no bald spots or big signs that your hair is really changing. It's still fine and light...maybe just a liiiittle darker on the sides?
You have become so smiley this month. We are still addicted to your smiles and know we are nearing a laugh sometime soon. We've gotten the teensiest glimpses of it, but we can't wait for the real deal.
For the first time EVER in your life (really just in this past week...3 month growth spurt?), you didn't go back to sleep after your nighttime/early AM feeding. (I know, I know! Sorry to all the other mamas!!! Nancy spoils me. Eeek!) One morning you were up at 4:45 to eat and then didn't go back to bed till 6:40. We went into your Mimi's room because she was randomly awake, and you just talked and smiled until you were ready for bed again. Then there was another night this week too when Mommy was up with you from about 4:45-6:45am again. (Side note: I am not--in any way!!!--complaining because you make sleep so easy! I'm simply documenting for my memory because that was a first! You're still, quite obviously, a chill, chill baby.)
Speaking of sleep, you like to sleep like this...touchdown!
And, truth be told, after that early 4/5am feeding, I love to let you sleep on my chest until my alarm goes off at 7:40. It's my favorite, and I'm pretty sure it's yours too. I will hold you for as long as I can, baby girl.
Your 2 month appointment (which was really about 2 weeks after you turned 2 months old) taught us that you are 43% for weight at 11 lbs 14.5 oz, 61% for height at 23.25", and 95% in head circumference, which you definitely get from me.
You love looking outside in the mornings. You just love all things outside in general. And you learned how to kick your shoes off, which is fine because these are too small for you now anyway. Your Mimi just ordered you some new Sweet n Swag moccs to remedy that. She spoils you because that's what Mimis do. :)
And since you love all things outside, the two of us have started waiting on the doorstep for daddy to get home from work. It's fun because it keeps you happy during the "witching hour." Yep, you have one of those now. Fussy time is between 6-7.
You and Daddy are very twin-like. He is excellent at impersonating you, Mini Marky. The picture on the right was taken after waiting for Daddy to get home from work. Apparently you were not impressed with his arrival.
You and Daddy are very twin-like. He is excellent at impersonating you, Mini Marky. The picture on the right was taken after waiting for Daddy to get home from work. Apparently you were not impressed with his arrival.
More outside entertainment. You sure do look cute (and judgy) watering the garden with Daddy.
We applied for your passport for our trip to England this fall. Mommy had fun doing a little passport photo shoot with you, but we wound up just getting your picture taken at a local place just to make sure it would be approved. :) It's hilarious to think about you using that same passport for 5 years. You are going to change so much between now and then!
You've gotten so strong this month. Your little neck is so strong, you have started scooting to the top of your co-sleeper, you grab and pull on things now (namely my hair), you love for us to hold your arms and help you sit/stand up (a "game" Mimi made up with you), you seriously enjoy bearing weight on your legs, and you've started this new thing where you use your legs to push your little bottom up/arch your back. Oh, and you're still a tummy time champ.
There you are, little strong neck magee...loooooving being on your tummy and looking around outside.
You "talk" all the time now too. We love talking with you and watching you work so hard to mimic anything we're doing. You've let out quite a few hilariously precious, high pitched, little girl squeals too.
One of my favorite things that I dressed you in this month is this outfit of mine--straight out of 1987. I love it so much and kind of wish it was in my size too because it's so cute (and because we could match).
One of my favorite things that I dressed you in this month is this outfit of mine--straight out of 1987. I love it so much and kind of wish it was in my size too because it's so cute (and because we could match).
You love being sung to. I still love our nighttime routine that we started last month. I love singing praise and worship to you, sweet girl.
We visited Daddy's work this month for the first time. It was so priceless and precious watching him light up, show you off, and talk about you to all of the folks at the office. He's very proud of his baby girl pie. He always talks about how pretty and perfect you are, just so you know. :)
Beautiful you. Mimi dressed you up in this cute number for her birthday. You looked so beautiful! I feel like you change so much everyday, little girl.
We celebrated Mimi's birthday! Your Mimi loves you so much and is going to be very sad when we move out next month. Here y'all are at Auntie Hope and Uncle SpySpy's house watching Dox and Tina "tickle fight." You could watch them chase each other around for ages. This is how we caught the first glimpse of your little giggle.
And I have to include one more favorite from your 3 month pictures:
Other 3 Month Memories:
Family Beach Vacation
Trendy Cactus
1 Month | 2 Months | 3 Months | 4 Months | 5 Months | 6 Months | 7 Months | 8 Months | 9 Months | 10 Months | 11 Months | 12 Months 
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