Our first married Christmas in 2012 was truly our first Christmas together. I know it's typical for lots of couples to be able to see each other over Christmas if you live in the same town or if your long distance relationship is drivable, perhaps. Mark and I started dating in 2008. From then till marriage, we spent our Christmases apart in England and America. Granted, we did get away with seeing each other a few days after Christmas over those years (by one of us making that across the pond commute!), but there's just something special about Christmas, isn't there?
All that to say...it has been such a joy and a blessing to develop Christmas traditions within our own little family. We thoughtlessly started treeside campouts the year we got married, and they've carried on ever since. The first night with the Christmas tree up and decorated must be spent by the tree!

1st Annual Treeside Campout
Our teensy (but fab!) Kings Drive duplex rental in Charlotte, NC
2nd Annual Treeside Campout
Our Lions Gate townhome rental in Wilmington, NC
...this year we pretty much did not sleep in our actual bed for the month of December.
Next year sweet Nancy will join us! ...And I'm sure through the years we'll be adding even more little Houstons to this tradition that Mama and Daddy (and Amelia!) started by themselves years ago. :)
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