I have a confession to make. I've known who this little babe is since last Tuesday afternoon.
Due to a little miscommunication/honest mistake about the reveal being for us too and not just for family...I found out on Tuesday afternoon via email. It quickly became something we could laugh about. So Mark and I enjoyed our secret for half a week of just the two of us "knowing" our baby. We kept on with the reveal for our family, of course. For this reason, I let my sweet Mimi and Papaw cut the cake to reveal their first great-grandchild. I adore my sweet grandparents (and feel incredibly blessed to have them here to celebrate!), so having them do the honor was a priceless and precious moment for me. Since we knew, we got to fully soak in everyone else's reactions.
So now that the beans are spilled and you know that we 've known....let's get on with the fun stuff!
Family votes were given!
Cutting the cake! Mark and I manned the camera and the FaceTime.
So now that the beans are spilled and you know that we 've known....let's get on with the fun stuff!
Pure deliciousness by Kathy Allen
From working out (beside the Food Babe, hello awesome day!) to picking up our cake from our precious wedding cake baker turned friend, Kathy Allen. No one would ever put as much love into this cake as she did!
Family votes were given!
Cutting the cake! Mark and I manned the camera and the FaceTime.
It's a girl!
Nancy Hope Houston, we love you!
My sweet hubby and his three girls.
Marky has been making Amelia sing, "GIRL HOUSE, GIRL HOUSE!" this week.
Marky has been making Amelia sing, "GIRL HOUSE, GIRL HOUSE!" this week.
Skyping with Grandma Scotland across the pond to tell her about her namesake.
Bring on the pink...and all the bows in the world.
My best friend from childhood, Ashley, came over straight from the airport. It meant the absolute world to me to have here there!
Maybe everything did not go perfectly according to plan with us finding out, but you know what? It's okay. Nancy's name means "grace." I love how she is already reminding us to show grace. I have always struggled with the need for control, and I know a baby forces you to give that up in many ways. So thanks, little one, for already teaching me that lesson. Surrender control to Him. Embrace life. Live joyfully.
Simultaneously (making the day EVEN BETTER!), God so perfectly timed the birth of our best friends' daughter, Harper Charlotte Hoidal. (Remember how I was wishing this would happen from my post on Friday?! I wanted Mark and I both to be in town so badly!) Mallory went into labor early Saturday morning (her due date!), so I woke up that morning to a text from 2am about the Hoidals not making it to the gender reveal. Of course I burst into tears of joy and went to wake up everyone in the house to tell them the news. Harper was born at 12:57pm the day of our gender reveal. God's perfect timing indeed.

Simultaneously (making the day EVEN BETTER!), God so perfectly timed the birth of our best friends' daughter, Harper Charlotte Hoidal. (Remember how I was wishing this would happen from my post on Friday?! I wanted Mark and I both to be in town so badly!) Mallory went into labor early Saturday morning (her due date!), so I woke up that morning to a text from 2am about the Hoidals not making it to the gender reveal. Of course I burst into tears of joy and went to wake up everyone in the house to tell them the news. Harper was born at 12:57pm the day of our gender reveal. God's perfect timing indeed.
FaceTiming with Mal circa 7:15am from the delivery room (before she started pushing, don't worry)!!
And yes, I'm wearing my mama's Hanna Anderson Christmas pajamas. :)

Meeting our goddaughter, Harper Charlotte, at the hospital.
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