Ohh, this trip. Oh, my heart. I am still oh-so-slowly getting our ducks in a row since our return last Wednesday. I think I'm dragging my feet because it's over. Our trips back "home" to England never last long enough. At least reliving these memories through pictures makes my heart smile. Here is what we were up to for our week across the pond.Wednesday, September 16We packed everything in carry-ons only because we're amazing my mum-in-law rolled out the carpet for us by rounding up EVERYTHING a baby could need. We didn't have to worry about anything from diapers to car seats to activity mats (and everything in between). Thanks, Debbie!!!
Thursday, September 17 Our cheeky girl at her Daddy's house in England! This non-mobile age made for easy traveling. Nancy was a dream on our flights. From CLT to JFK she was awake but happy, and from JFK to England she fell asleep while we were boarding and didn't wake up until 40 minutes from landing. (WHAT? Jackpot.) I nursed her when she woke up, and she was as happy as a clam for that last less-than-an-hour. Even though our plane was super old there AND back (no personal tvs...WOMP), we had a free seat on our row for each transatlantic trip which was worth its weight in gold.
Nancy's first day in England! Upon our arrival, Mark and I napped for several hours to get ahead of our jet lag. A very happy Nana and Fanta were more than eager to play with Nancy while we slept. We spent the afternoon in Lichfield walking and shopping. There is an amazing, big, beautiful playground there that I can already envision taking Nancy back to for years to come.
Friday, September 18
GG Nancy got in from the train station late the night before, so on Friday morning, Nancy and her namesake met for the first time!
Nancys #1 fan, her Fanta. On the left, they're looking at us through the back window of the house. On the right, Nancy and Fanta are looking out onto the field from the back garden. PS - the Houstons have my favorite back garden ever. It faces west, so the most gorgeous sunsets happen right there.
Thursday afternoon, M & I had a little "day date" around the village while we gave Nana and Fanta some more special time with Nancy. I love walking around Mark's hometown with him. I always get to hear new stories and memories about growing up in this sweet place.
The loveliest little village in all the land!
We walked down to the village waterfront too. I want to bring all of our friends and family back with us so they can explore M's hometown! I am so glad we will be forever connected to this place.
We picked wild blackberries on our walk and stopped for a coffee (for moi) and a Carling (for M).
I have a crush on this house. How quaint!
Friday, September 18
To Morley Hayes, the wedding destination! SUCH an amazing hotel, beautiful grounds, wonderful amenities. It was heavenly.
I couldn't handle our room. I felt like we were on a dream vacation. Beautiful balcony view, huge bed, so much seating...aaaand that wallpaper has peonies on it, soooo yeah.
This happened as soon as Mark figured out that the tv popped out from the footboard. I MEAN. In my dream world, we would have this. Hiding the tv when it's not in use? Holla! I love it.
I couldn't make tea and get us out on the balcony fast enough! Breaking the English weather stereotype, we had absolutely beautiful, sunny fall weather all weekend long.
When Mark left that afternoon for one last night out with his brother--the groom--as a bachelor, I decided that the bed was obviously screaming for a Nancy photoshoot.
The rest of Mark's family and I went out for a nice dinner on the resort grounds, followed by the pub where Mark met up with us a short while later. Nancy loved it, of course. Who wouldn't love family time at the pub?
Saturday, September 19
The most beautiful wedding day for Tom and Katherine, the newest Mr. & Mrs. Houston!
Pie girl midday napping. I never mind these snuggles.
Nancy spent all day (and night) being passed around our extended family and friends. I loved looking around all day and seeing someone new holding her.
All of the Houston girls at the wedding. :)
I was pumped about my place setting. Bless it!
Sweet, sweet Alfie was so precious with Nancy. Are these pictures the cutest, or what?!
I think if Fanta had it his way, he wouldn't have shared Nancy at all. :)
"Wee Nancy" and "G.G. (great-grandma) Nancy" -- My heart!
I am total mush over these two (and this view)!
Cute cousins
Our little family
Adam taught Nancy how to pull pints behind the bar. Unfortunately, she didn't manage to select Daddy's favo(u)rite, Carling. Better luck next time, Pie.
Jet leg meant that the little babe partied with us till midnight, when we called it a night. Marky certianly enjoyed having his little girl to take for a spin on the dance floor.
Sunday, September 20
Instead of going straight back home, we drove to Sheffield to meet up with some of Mark's closest friends form uni[versity]. Love these friends and hate that our moments together are all too few and far between! We went out for a meal at a pub with a beautiful countryside view in the Peak District. It was the loveliest!
Love these friends
On Sunday evening, Marky went to the pub with one of his best friends (and one of the best men in our wedding). I was glad for them to get some bro time without me there...and, let's be real, I totally wanted to stay behind and watch the season premiere of Downton Abbey in England, drinking tea, and with the company of my mum-in-law and GG Nancy, who is also an avid Downton fan.
Monday, September 21
On Monday morning we whipped out the old family photographs. Mark's mum couldn't help but nail the comparison of Mark and Nancy in these two pics.
The view from Mark's bedroom window...and the sill adorned by flags from
our wedding.
We did a little shopping that afternoon, took Nancy to meet another one of Mark's best friends, came home for family dinner, and put Nancy down in time to catch up with more friends at the pub for the evening.
Tuesday, September 22
Our Piegirl in this outfit? I melt. She's such a little big girl!
We headed to Chesterfield for a good chunk of the day. The highlight? Nana treated Nancy to a fancy dress for her dedication ceremony. Going to this tiny, 97-year-old, family-owned storefront that my mum-in-law raved about was easily one of the highlights of my trip. The mother and daughter who worked there were the sweetest, they "pulled" dresses for you[r baby] based on the style you described, and then you got to play dress up with a real life babydoll. It was like wedding dress shopping for babies except not. Nancy was cheesin' and squealing and fortunately did not slobber or spit up on any dresses she tried on (grounds for purchase). We laughed and put her in way too many bonnets and finally settled on a favorite that she will be wearing oh so soon! (Thanks, Nana!!!) Oh! And what warmed my heart the most -- this is the same shop from which Mark's dedication outfit was purchased years ago!

Nancy and her great-grandparents. Mark and I know how fortunate we are to witness baby Nancy with 5 of her great-grandparents.
Family snuggles in Mark's bed on our last night. Sad to leave. Soaking in our first little family memories in England so much that I didn't want to put Nancy in the pack-n-play. If money grew on trees, we'd be back for Christmas and multiple times a year every year! If only...To our English family--the whole reason this blog began anyway!--we are so blessed to have such loving, supportive, gracious, selfless families on two continents. We love you and miss you everyday. "Together forever, never apart, maybe in distance, but never in heart." xxxxxxxxxx